Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Happenings Around the Munkey House

Munkey Belle is now three months old. Yeah! She made it. Yeah for me too. I've made it three months breastfeeding. Only nine long more months to go :( Right now I'm trying the supplement Fenugreek to increase my milk as the Munkey has been more demanding and the faucet apparently doesn't drip fast enough for her. I was reading about Fenugreek on-line and it said that you know you've hit the appropriate dosage when your urine and sweat smells like Maple Syrup. Oh goodie, not there yet. I'm more like at the Aunt Jemima stage right now. It's a good thing Dan likes Maple Syrup.

The little three month old Munkey gets cuter every day. She squeals with delight and makes all manner of noises, chirps, barks, she calls people by going uhh uhh really loudly. She also will laugh cute little compact laughs mostly but every now and then she will really get a rolling giggle going, especially when raspberried on or surprised with some new farm animal noise.

Unfortunately Munkey has regressed with her sleeping patterns. She was sleeping predictable hours through the night. For the last several weeks however she's up checking her e-mail and watching infomercials all hours of the night. I'm struggling to get enough sleep. We're thinking of implementing some tough love and letting her cry it out in her crib until she goes to sleep. So far though she's kind of had things her own way and has been sleeping with us in our bed which I think is a big no no and we need to break that habit soon.

Munkey B's favorite things are kicking her toys, drooling, Munkey treats, the TV screen, the camera, and getting attention from MDaddy in the form of dancing to music and their conversations.

Also right now Munkey Nanna is in town visiting her only Grandmunkey. They are having a blast together.
MDaddy also cooked for us the other day. We ran out of aluminum foil so he cooked Salmon on the grill in a glass casserole dish. It was really special but not recommended. We let Munkey lick the bowl clean to help loosen up the baked on-caked-on before put it in the dish washer :)

Also for Mother's Day I got an awesome swing for the back yard from MDaddy! I love it. We will swing many miles this summer. Come swing with us.

Random Munkey Pho-toes

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A two and a half month old Munkey

We went for another walk in Diamond Fork today and I took some shots of us basking in the grass together on a beautiful day. I stopped under the shade of a Juniper tree to give her Munkey treats. We both sat and let the wind blow through our hair, then she let the wind blow through her diaper. It was a huge mess which would have been manageable otherwise except I forgot to re-load the diaper bag from our trip this past weekend. I only had 1 wipe left so I had to make the best of it.

She had a nice bath after we got home and she sloshed around in her tub like a fish. Then I ritualistically slathered her with a barrage of eucerin cream, A and D ointment, and cortisone to combat help her rashy dry skin.