Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Playing Slinkies

Munkey B, you're the best EVER at playing slinkies!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Munkeying Around with Monkeys

Tiny Tennies

Knowing nothing before hand about children's shoe sizes, I determined the other day that Munkey B wears a size 2. I found her some really cute little pink shoes that she can wear while were hiking with her to protect her feet.

Whirlwind Weekend

This weekend was a bit crazy but we did a lot of stuff, had fun, and now we're tired.
Playing Tents the sequel:
Starting on Friday I got up early to put up the tents for our family camp-out (Munkey's Aunties, Uncles, and Cousins were there but not pictured for privacy) up at Unicorn Ridge that we were having that night. It was a great family camp out experience for everyone I think. Munkey Daddy really outdid himself on this one, fixin' up some tasty fajitas and a really amazing camp breakfast. He also built a really professional looking camp fire. I can't wait until Munkey is old enough to really appreciate playing tents with her MD and MM

Unfortunately the Munkey only slept until about 4 a.m. and then she was wide awake.
In order not to wake anyone we took her on a Munkey walk-about where she squawked and crowed like a rooster. She wanted to wake something up and she was determined. We followed a nice dirt road towards Strawberry early in the morning and it was very pleasant. Munkey did OK playing tents this time. I think we got more sleep than last time but we all still need more practice, before we're the best ever at playing tents.

With very little sleep we headed up to Salt Lake for my sister-in-law's baby shower. Munkey is getting a little boy cousin shortly on our side of the family and we are excited and happy for them.

We got home and put Munkey to bed. After two days of not sleeping and missing her naps, she conked out at 5:30 p.m. and we didn't see her again for 12 hours.

Hopefully we'll be all recovered soon because in two weeks it's on to Glacier, Montana to play cabins!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hitting the Bottle

The Family That Drinks Together:

And then we chilled :

Sunday, July 20, 2008





Playing Tents

This weekend was our first real camping trip with Munkey B. Munkey Daddy and I scouted out a road that runs between Diamond Fork and Highway 6 and found a nice spot in the woods to test out our new 4 wheel drive and it looked perfect for camping. We loaded the car with too much crap and made a night of it.

After we set up camp we went on a short hike in which Munkey wore her first shoes.
I don't know how he saw this but Munkey Daddy spotted a nice tarantula hanging out in the grass. After we let Munkey B pet the tarantula, it was time to go back to the camp site to start a fire. After gazing at the fire for a while, it was off to bed.

We told Munkey she was "playing tents" when we got in the tent. At home we play books and toys and when I put her in her crib she plays blankets, so this was Mukeys first time to play tents. She thought it was kind of weird to be in a tent, she kept looking up at the netting and scratching the nylon with her hands. We slept on the air mattress and she slept in her contoured changing pad, strapped in for safety. She had a hard time sleeping but I'm sure it didn't help that there was a vivid lightening storm and loud rain pounding on the tent for part of the night.

The next morning we got up early and decided to head for home and get some real sleep. Before we left, I saw a large moose in the meadow but I didn't get a picture, darn.
I hope we play tents again soon. Thanks for the weekend adventure Munkey D and Munkey B.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Two Peas

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Sara is Five Months

We can't believe how big she is getting and how adorable she is.

Some things about her at five months:

She is getting very squirmy and can roll over on to her tummy unassisted and with ease. She is starting to kick her legs more while she's on her tummy and we think it won't be long until she figures out how to crawl.

We have just started to brush her two little teeth, it's never too early to get in that habit, and luckily she likes it.

She doesn't miss a thing with her eyes and she loves when we read the books Auntie L gave us. She also loves to get into the cardboard box with all the books, it makes her laugh. When I read to her she looks at the book and then looks up at me, back and forth and sometimes she traces my lips with her fingers as I'm speaking. She's trying to figure it all out.

I've got to get a video of this too, she is so happy when you come to get her out of her crib, she waves her arms like she's on a deserted island flagging down an airplane and she squeals to be picked up.

Also she is getting very ticklish, the other day she giggled when I tickled under her arm.

She loves to pull hair, mine and Daddy's beard. Also she loves to touch our faces with her fingers and trace out our features.

She dislikes being put down for any reason now. She is getting much more social and wants to be with us all the time and is no longer happy just playing with Clip Clop Horse or her Jittery Pals. I am wearing her around the house more in her Munkey slings.

Once a day we walk around the yard and water all the flowers, trees, and the garden. She loves when I spray the water high in the air and it mists back on her. She also loves when I spray water up in the trees and it "rains" on her and she especially likes to take control of the hose and spray it haphazardly with her tiny hand in front of the water.

Hiking in Brighton

This weekend we went hiking with MGTDD and MGKepi in Brighton. It was a wonderful day and even though we were tired from Munkey crying during the night, we had so much fun.
We had a wonderful outdoor lunch too, what was that place called Kepi? We've got to go back there soon.

Thanks also to Munkey Aunt Wendy for the cool new Munkey hat.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Munkey Sings

We have a talented Munkey, she also sings...

Munkey Squeal

She has also really gotten into squealing lately when we tickle her, it's hilarious.

Bone Thugs and Pacifiers

Munkey makes her debut in her new music video.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Munkey discovers yard grasses

Munkey is wriggling all around now, so much so that it's hard to hold on to her for very long and maintain sanity. So very frequently I put her on the ground so she can squirm and inch her way along. Today we were out in the yard. I was on the swing, and she was on the swing cushion on the ground. That lasted about 10 seconds until she rolled herself off into the grass. Then she got to discover grass for the first time and it went something like this. At first she was just looking all cute in her baby fruit onesie couture...

Man, I'm just all kindsa cute. Mommy loves this Munkey, Daddy loves this Munkey. If I was any cuter, their heads would explode, so I'll try not to be for their sake, because I'm just thoughtful like that. Isn't life the best.

Then she was like... ho dee doo, I think I'll pick me some of whatever this stuff is that's off the edge of my cushion universe.

Wow, this stuff is weird, it's like carpet only with a much higher chlorophyll content. I think they found some of this stuff in Star Trek IV, or was it II. No wait, Star Trek IV was that one where they just flew that whale around in space, yeah must have been II then. I gotta get suma this and show Momma, she's not going to believe it.

Here, let me hold it like I'm Freddie Kruger and inspect it. Don't be frightened, come closer, closer.

Whoa, this is like totally blowing my mind, isn't this like blowing your mind? It blows my mind almost as much as how'd they get that whale on that space ship.

Maybe I should taste it, just a bit, to make sure it's safe fer it to be lying around all over out here. You know, I usually would never do something like this but I'm strangely drawn to the leafy greenness, it looks so nummy. Oh, Mmmm, jeez this is like the best stuff ever.

Now, I think I'll just harvest a little more of this Earthly manna and stash it in my diaper for later, they're sure not to look there. By the way, do you think these pants are a bit high waisted? Nah, it's probably just my imagination.

This is our secret right?

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Munkey see, munkey do

Tonight I held Munkey B up as usual to have a look over the couch to see what MDaddy was doing in the kitchen. She loves watching him wherever he is. She started to stick out her tongue at him and go "Mmmm" again. It was so darn cute. It worked because it got his attention and they sat down and stuck their tongues out at each other for a while. I've got to get this on video.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Run for the camera!

This was one of those moments. MDaddy was sticking out his tongue at her and going "Mmmm". She started doing it back to him, it was so funny, even making the noise. I wish the video camera had been charged, but at least I was able to grab the digital camera.

Duckie tub pics

Munkey B likes to sit out in her blow-up duckie tub in the yard. It's fun for me too because I get to sit in the swing and watch her play. She likes to put anything in her mouth she can grab so that's pretty much what bath time is about, trying to shove all her toys in her mouth at once.