Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Using the Roll-Over Minutes

Munkey did the cutest thing today. I'm really upset I didn't recognize what she was doing sooner because the first part was twice as cute. She was playing with my cell phone and babbling really funny, different than she normally babbles. She kept saying "Um" over and over.

Then I realized she was switching the phone back and forth from her ears and she was imitating us talking on the phone. She had already been playing "phones" for several minutes before I figured it out. I ran for the camera and was able to catch the tail end of the conversation. She was really into it too. It sounds like she says "Um, let's see" a few times. It's also sounds like the last things she says is, "Let's see Um, I ah". It so hilarious that she thinks that's how we talk on the phone.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Clapper

Today she spontaneously started clapping for the first time. We saw her clapping while sitting by herself and then made a big deal about it, so now she's all about clapping for the sheer attention! She's been waiving good bye to Daddy in the morning and hello to us when we come to get her out of the crib. We need to get a video of it.


That is Munkeys word for Duck, it's way cute. We met Dan for lunch and took a walk to feed the ducks. As we approached them she started saying, "Dooh!", really loud over and over.

Also she really likes shoulder rides!

Munkey's first popsicle and sucker

I love how she makes the "Mmmm" sounds when she likes something.

A nice lady at the Asian store gave Munkey a sucker today, it was her first candy treat. She approves...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Cute vids

We got some funny video of MB this weekend. We got her a giraffe rocker for her B'day and we've discovered it makes a fun yard toy. We pull it on the grass and she rides. Today she rode her giraffe while saying "Moo Moo" which is her favorite new animal noise.

Also we got a cute vid of her playing peekaboo in her cow jammies and calling for her Dada in her "devil voice".