Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Don't drink the yellow pool water

Munkey B had her first day out in the pool last week. We appreciate her cousins leaving this pool for her to play in, it's perfect! I think we will be spending a lot of time in it this summer. I think we may not be able to play with buckets in the pool however until we learn to use them responsibly.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Springy Things

It's time for an update on Munkey Belle, she just turned 14 months yesterday. She's walking faster every day, actually she has always loved to run (even before she could walk she wanted us to help her run by holding her hands) and that's her favorite way of locomotion. She also talks a lot, babbling all the time. She likes to say "Yes" or "Yea" when you ask her a question, no matter what the answer should be. She is very good at trying to say names and she identifies things in the books we read. She especially loves reading about and trying to say the words bicycle, goat, and school buses. She also kisses her books when they talk about kissing.

It seems like she never misses any details. She always knows when the school bus pulls up to our house to pick up the neighbor kids. She hears trains from inside the house when they go by and stops what she's doing to listen. Outdoors, she loves to pick up rocks and sand and either collect them in a bucket, the stroller, or her jacket. We spend lots of time in the yard and her favorite thing to do is dig in the dirt. She used to shred my flowers but we learned just to "touch" them and she even says the word touch now.

We tell her "Not supposed to" instead of "No" as a command. So she tells us "Not!" all the time when we do something she doesn't like or when she's doing something she knows she's not supposed to be doing. She will walk up to the stove and touch the knobs and say "Not" to herself.

Her hair is getting longer, it's almost an inch now, but still thin. I can't wait to see how she compares on her growth in May at 15 months. I think she's gained some weight because of the milk she is drinking but I guess we'll see. Every day is more exciting than the last and I just can't imagine what she'll be like at age two.

Here are some picture stories from our latest adventures:

This was our hike up Israel Canyon (Behind L & L's house in Saratoga Springs). It still amazes me how much fun she has hiking, she never complains :

We were rewarded with nice panoramic views of the mountains and the lake:

Then Munkey got to play in the rocks and dirt, her favorite thing:

Easter weekend we took a hike with Dad and Karen on Stansbury Island in the Great Salt Lake. The views were amazing and Munkey got a bit of a snooze in her hiking pack.

Then we had a Spring snow, one last time for Munkey to put on her big puffy suit. This time she actually walked around in it, which was impressive :

Mostly we've just been hanging out in the yard enjoying its Springyness :

Then, when we come inside to cool off, we be chillin' :