Thursday, May 7, 2009

Munkey goes nutso on Nebo

Today we rode up Mt. Nebo on the summer road for about three miles. This is the best time of year to ride it because it is still gated off and closed to all motor vehicles. It is a bikers paradise. Munkey B slept as I climbed the road and then on the way down we stopped in an open field by the road and she had fun running around and around and up and down the road. It was a way fun day. We took these pics w/ my new Fuji camera I got for my b'day, pretty good eh?

The set up, this bike trailer is great, it has lots of pockets to take all kinds of stuff with you.

Having a road-side snack:

She ran through this field and loved it! Then she went over to check out the summer road. Pics of her going nutso :

Stuff in the trailer...