Friday, November 30, 2012


Sara has been working really hard on her numbers and letters.  She can spell out our names mostly now.  Still she does not read yet but that can't be far behind if she's spelling words I suppose.   She is also memorizing "sight" words, words that can't be sounded out.

I took some pictures of the things she has written lately.  Her writing looks kind of funny, almost like Russian but she's getting closer.

She hung these upside down on our wall but they say Rosey, Daddy, and Brennan.  We did not help her at all with these.

Here is another one with her scribbling.  She wrote Benny in the middle and Dan, Rosey, and Brennan again.  We never told her how to spell our names either so she figured that out phonetically I guess.

Sara has also learned her phone number and her street address.

We are really proud of the progress she is making at school.  Also I love her teacher Mrs. Amber.  Mrs. Amber tells her how special she is every day and I know it's been great for Sara.

Day at Thanksgiving Point

We spent the day at Thanksgiving Point at the Dinosaur Museum with cousin Benny and Uncle Ben.  The Dino museum is one of Sara's favorite places and she was really excited to get to share it with Benny. 

We got to see some reindeer. 

First we went to the sound exhibit before going to the Dino museum.  Brother tried on the bat ears in the sound room.

Fun time playing with the sound oscillator

Diagnosing the car engine by sounds
Sister was trying to keep track of her brother, who was running everywhere.
Climbing around

Uncle Ben trying to appease angry Brennan
Everyone had fun digging in the sand pit and finding fossils.

After the museum we had fun at the petting zoo.  These baby cows attacked the stroller, smelling snacks I suppose.  Brennan like it, he loves animals.
Hopefully we can meet Benny and Ben for many years to come at the museum.  It was a great day where everyone got to spend quality time together and we are really thankful for it.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sara does funny things

Tonight Sara took a spaghetti noodle over to Brennan's tray and held it up for him to see.  She said, "Brennan, here is your worm. You need to eat it because we are pretending we are birds and I'm your Mama bird."  Brennan happily ate the worm.

Also tonight, Brennan really likes to brush hair so he was trying to brush Sara's hair.  It's not very much fun though because he usually just ends up either hitting you with the brush repeatedly or pulling your hair really hard.  Sara was protesting but to no avail, so she got a small basket from her room and put it on top of her head.  Problem solved.  He pounded on the basket instead and everyone was happy.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Preschool Pics

Sara had her Pre-School photos this week with her class:

Sara is telling me their names as I type, starting on the top left : Cody, Sara, Becca, Aiden, Treygon, Tate, Morgan, James, Mrs. Amber.

We are really proud of her.  Her teacher is Miss Amber and Sara loves school and her class.  The kids love her too.  She is the hit of the party.  Once I dropped her off and she flung open the door to preschool and said , "Surprise!" and all the kids cheered.  I hope she is always as bright and cheerful in the years to come.

She is learning so much at school.  She is starting to sound out words, read small books, and do addition.  She can do all her 1+ addition now.