Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sara's first night home

I wanted to just write random thoughts and things I want to remember about Sara's early days and I figured I'd put them on this blog for family and friends to read too if anyone is interested, it might just be mostly for me.

-On Sara's first night home, we stopped by Albertson's to pick up my pain meds Dan had to go in and get them for me because I couldn't walk very far at the time. Dan said while he was waiting in line he started thinking about having his daughter home finally and it made him all emotional. By the time he got up to the counter his eyes were welling up and he said it must have looked funny for him to be turning in a narcotic pain prescription with tears in his eyes.

-The very first time Sara was put in her car seat she had a really confused look on her face. She kind of jumped when the car door shut and when the car hit bumps. Soon it would all be old hat to her but it was funny to see her reaction for the first time. She was a really good girl the whole way home though, she didn't cry once.

-When we finally got home I ran for the fridge for food. I had a few bites then had to feed Sara right away because she was just as hungry. I love staring at Sara's face when I feed her and when she sleeps. Her lips are so cute and perfectly formed miniatures. She has little blond eyebrows that you can really only see from the side. she has big dark eyes that might be dark blue or brown. Her ears bend down a little at the tips and are soft, seemingly without cartilage in them. She has fine little hair on her soft head that is fun to pet.

-Daddy played piano with her on his lap his first night home, Braham's Lullaby.

-Mom sits on the toilet for an hour. I have never been constipated before in my life and I hope to never be again.

-Dan comes home with a whole bouquet of white roses that are so beautiful.

-Dan arranges our room to care for Sara at night. We keep her with us at night, instead of her room while she's a newbie.

-Dan eats dinner with Sara on his lap.

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