Sunday, March 30, 2008

More photos, of course

I take lots of pics of Sara. I keep the camera handy whichever room I'm in. Today I caught pics of her watching Daddy play piano. We sit her beside the piano in her bouncer sometimes to watch and listen. We did it today specifically after she craned her neck to watch Dan play. She is really starting to interact with people. She loves to watch us as we move around a room, her eyes will follow our every move. She also has certain noises she makes where she calls out to us if she can't see us. Also she has started crying with a purpose or as Dan calls it, social crying. She cries now and then watches us to see what our reaction will be, then if it's not to her liking she cries some more then watches us again, it's pretty cute.

Rock Canyon Hike

This weekend we went to a new place for some exploration. It's a canyon only 20 minutes from our house in Provo, just above the BYU campus. It has the most amazing geology. There are several different kinds of formations visible including deposits from the Mississippian Sea, Lake Bonneville, and the Wasatch Fault Line.

Sara took in all the hiking action even more so this trip because we faced her outwards in her baby carrier. We thought she wouldn't be able to hold her head up this way but luckily we decided to try and she did just fine (Dan said she was probably counting the rocks). She was totally happy to be looking around at everything until you stop walking and then she would fuss.

We hiked up the trail maybe 2 or so miles until the snow got too deep to walk in. We even stopped and had a picnic at the top of the trail.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Five weeks

At five weeks now, Sara seems even more alert every day. She really likes watching everything around her. She is also sleeping really well so far. She goes to bed at about 11 p.m. every night and lately she only wakes up for one feeding during the night. Sometimes she doesn't get up until about 5 a.m. and even then she usually goes back to sleep until about 10 a.m.. We feel really lucky that she is such a good baby and easy to take care of.

I've been trying to get out on a hike with her every day that I can. It helps me mostly get out of the house and get some exercise. This week we met some friends on the "Y" trail. They had their baby along who is 4 months old. I actually met their baby
when he was one month old and he was the first baby I'd ever held in my life, right before Sara came. Their baby is super cute and it was fun to compare notes regarding our experiences and to get a taste of what Sara will be like in a few more months.

Also, Dan and I take walks with Sara at night around the cow field in front of our house. There are tons of new baby cattle scampering about. They are more adventurous than the larger versions and will come up close to the fence. We have tried to show Sara what's been mooing outside her window every day.

I think Sara will be a water girl. She's never complained about a bath except when I take her out. I think she would lay in her bath forever, or at least until she becomes a raisin. The other day, before I added soap, I was dripping water over her with the wash cloth. She stuck out her tongue and tried to catch the drops. Then it became a game and now she takes baths with her tongue hanging out begging for water drops.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tub Time

Sara's first real bath, she loved it.

Tub toes

Saturday, March 22, 2008

One Month Milestones

I wanted to remember some of the stuff Sara can do and things about her personality at one month old. So here's a list for nostalgia, not necessarily because it makes for interesting reading:

-she can smile a bit
-she really notices faces and will look you in the eye and hold your gaze
-she is really demanding when she's hungry acting like a little Parana
-we know she's about to get angry when she starts pumping her fists and turning red
-she sleeps four hours at a time through the night, most of the time
-she has found her fist and loves to chew on it but recently will chew and suck on individual fingers
-today for the first time while sitting in her swing she saw herself in the mirror above her head and stared at herself and rooted to herself
-she really hates putting her hands in sleeves or putting hats on especially when they fall down over her eyes
-she makes constant little grunting noises while you're changing her, like she's concentrating really hard on helping you out by sitting there and being good
-she is fascinated by the computer screen
-she blows bubbles with her mouth
-she likes sitting next to Daddy while he plays piano in the mornings, I played violin for her, she wasn't so thrilled

Friday, March 21, 2008

One Month

One month old already. Hard to believe how time flies.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Sara's Faces



Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Baby's first smile

Today Sara Belle smiled at me several times in a row which seemed on purpose and not just gas.

It was a really rewarding moment that she seemed so happy to see me.

I'm sure I will shamelessly slather the blog with pics and videos of it as soon as I can.

Being a parent has been more fun than I could have ever imagined.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Zion Park Weekend

Dan invited Sara and I to come hang out with him in Zion on a business trip weekend.
We went on a short hike, that was about all I could do. We went to the Canyon Overlook trail, Sara slept most of the way. We proved to ourselves that we could take road trips with a baby, she did fine in the car most of the way.

Cute pics

Monday, March 10, 2008

The Snoogle Pillow

Sara takes a snoogle in her pillow, recovering from her cold.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

First hike with Mom and Dad

Today was Sara's first real journey out at 19 days old. We did a short hike on the "Y" trail up in the foothills. My Aunt and Uncle sent us an awesome baby carrier that we love. Sara hung in it like a rag doll the whole way, not making a sound. We got to enjoy nature, see some birds and deer, and get some much needed sunshine.

Sara's Favorite Sleeping Positions

The Field Goal

The Student That Sits In The Front That Knows Everything

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Baby Houdini

She always manages to get a foot or arm out of whatever clothing item she is in. When we swaddle her, she has both arms out and usually stretched above her head, in record time.