Saturday, March 22, 2008

One Month Milestones

I wanted to remember some of the stuff Sara can do and things about her personality at one month old. So here's a list for nostalgia, not necessarily because it makes for interesting reading:

-she can smile a bit
-she really notices faces and will look you in the eye and hold your gaze
-she is really demanding when she's hungry acting like a little Parana
-we know she's about to get angry when she starts pumping her fists and turning red
-she sleeps four hours at a time through the night, most of the time
-she has found her fist and loves to chew on it but recently will chew and suck on individual fingers
-today for the first time while sitting in her swing she saw herself in the mirror above her head and stared at herself and rooted to herself
-she really hates putting her hands in sleeves or putting hats on especially when they fall down over her eyes
-she makes constant little grunting noises while you're changing her, like she's concentrating really hard on helping you out by sitting there and being good
-she is fascinated by the computer screen
-she blows bubbles with her mouth
-she likes sitting next to Daddy while he plays piano in the mornings, I played violin for her, she wasn't so thrilled

1 comment:

Go for It ! said...

Cutest thing I ever did see ! Those cheeks are like a chipmunk:)