Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sara at 2 Months

Sara Belle is 2 months old now. She seems so much bigger to me now as I look back on the photos I've taken. She goes back for her 2 month check up on the 22nd and we can't wait to see how much bigger she is by the numbers.

She is getting more and more social every day. She makes new squeaky noises and really makes eye contact and follows us with her eyes wherever we go. I love to try to surprise her with new noises she hasn't heard before. It always causes her to either giggle, raiser her eyebrows, or look at me really confused. Today for example I sang her the song, "Jingle Bells" and kind of moved her to the motions she would experience in a one horse open sleigh. She was mesmerized by it. I know it's weird but Christmas songs are easy for me to remember and I tend to like them, so I sing them to her a lot. It entertains us both and I speak for her because she can't yet. I'm sure someday she will blog about how damaged she is from her Mom's singing.

Another 2 month old happening is that she likes to cuddle and it's so much fun. She likes to lay on your chest and nuzzle her head right up under your chin and go to sleep. Sometimes I hold her like that if she's upset and it seems to comfort her.

Also she has taken up drooling as a part time hobby. She drools if she is held in her "Monkey Hold" which is on top of our arm but facing downward with her limbs hanging down. She usually drools heavily on the persons arm proportionately to the length of time she is held in that position. I recently bought Dan a new fleece. The old ones wicked drool away so that you stay dry, apparently the new one just sucks it all up like a sponge. I guess they didn't test it out on baby drool to make sure it would stand up. It for sure wouldn't make it long on Mount Everest, with all the drooling babies and sub-zero temps.

We love our little girl so much and we tell her so all the time. She is such a joy to have around. We both can't wait to get up in the morning to see her. Dan usually rushes in to her room at the first squeak to greet her. I stay up late with her sometimes at night to give her "Monkey Treats" before she goes to bed. It's my favorite time with her. She has also been sleeping 8 hours at night, we're keeping our fingers crossed that it will continue.

1 comment:

Go for It ! said...

I wish I could hear her giggle :)