Saturday, June 21, 2008

This is the place

We went on an interesting journey up in Salt Lake last night. We were meeting MGKepi and MGTDD (aka my parents) for what was to be an evening picnic at Red Butte Gardens. When we got there we found out the gardens were closed for a private party. Instead we ended up at "This Is The Place" Heritage Park. We gorged on a wonderful picnic that MGKepi put together, while we were surrounded by frolicking bunny rabbits.

At the park they have a replica village complete with tithing office and quilting museum. MD was excited to go back and visit the quilting museum sometime when it is open, he loves him some quilts. We hiked through the village up onto the Bonneville Shoreline trail which runs just above the Heritage Park.

We walked along the Bonneville Shoreline trail enjoying the nice purple and lavender Penstemen flowers, the Butter and Eggs, and the Vetch. Also we saw several bombadier beatles that were standing on their heads. It looked like they were doing Yoga except instead of downward dog they were doing the downward beetle. MGTDD spotted this wonderful green beetle, it was more colorful than this picture does justice.

We walked until the alpenglow was hanging over the distant mountains and it was getting dark. Munkey B woke up right at the end of the trail when it was mostly dark and looked over at me. She likes to stare at me when we hike and she kept shooting me cute little grins like she was the happiest baby alive to be out past her bed time hiking with the downward beetles and her MD and her MG'rents.

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