Monday, July 7, 2008

Munkey discovers yard grasses

Munkey is wriggling all around now, so much so that it's hard to hold on to her for very long and maintain sanity. So very frequently I put her on the ground so she can squirm and inch her way along. Today we were out in the yard. I was on the swing, and she was on the swing cushion on the ground. That lasted about 10 seconds until she rolled herself off into the grass. Then she got to discover grass for the first time and it went something like this. At first she was just looking all cute in her baby fruit onesie couture...

Man, I'm just all kindsa cute. Mommy loves this Munkey, Daddy loves this Munkey. If I was any cuter, their heads would explode, so I'll try not to be for their sake, because I'm just thoughtful like that. Isn't life the best.

Then she was like... ho dee doo, I think I'll pick me some of whatever this stuff is that's off the edge of my cushion universe.

Wow, this stuff is weird, it's like carpet only with a much higher chlorophyll content. I think they found some of this stuff in Star Trek IV, or was it II. No wait, Star Trek IV was that one where they just flew that whale around in space, yeah must have been II then. I gotta get suma this and show Momma, she's not going to believe it.

Here, let me hold it like I'm Freddie Kruger and inspect it. Don't be frightened, come closer, closer.

Whoa, this is like totally blowing my mind, isn't this like blowing your mind? It blows my mind almost as much as how'd they get that whale on that space ship.

Maybe I should taste it, just a bit, to make sure it's safe fer it to be lying around all over out here. You know, I usually would never do something like this but I'm strangely drawn to the leafy greenness, it looks so nummy. Oh, Mmmm, jeez this is like the best stuff ever.

Now, I think I'll just harvest a little more of this Earthly manna and stash it in my diaper for later, they're sure not to look there. By the way, do you think these pants are a bit high waisted? Nah, it's probably just my imagination.

This is our secret right?


Anonymous said...

Now that was an oscar winning performance. The question is; does the oscar go to baby or mommy???

Isn't it amazing to watch all the new info get processed in these creatures? I wish I could see inside their little heads and understand what they are thinking about all this cool new stuff.


Go for It ! said...

She is goin' green in a big way !

Such a trip in her high waisted
pants :)

KP&GVS3 said...

Kudos to both producer & star! We really enjoyed this latest Munkey Production!!

SenecaSis said...

Only two words for the Munkey Belle:

Too Cute!!!

Yodame said...

Munkey will accept the Oscar as long as it is filled with formula and has a nipple on it :)