Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Sara is Five Months

We can't believe how big she is getting and how adorable she is.

Some things about her at five months:

She is getting very squirmy and can roll over on to her tummy unassisted and with ease. She is starting to kick her legs more while she's on her tummy and we think it won't be long until she figures out how to crawl.

We have just started to brush her two little teeth, it's never too early to get in that habit, and luckily she likes it.

She doesn't miss a thing with her eyes and she loves when we read the books Auntie L gave us. She also loves to get into the cardboard box with all the books, it makes her laugh. When I read to her she looks at the book and then looks up at me, back and forth and sometimes she traces my lips with her fingers as I'm speaking. She's trying to figure it all out.

I've got to get a video of this too, she is so happy when you come to get her out of her crib, she waves her arms like she's on a deserted island flagging down an airplane and she squeals to be picked up.

Also she is getting very ticklish, the other day she giggled when I tickled under her arm.

She loves to pull hair, mine and Daddy's beard. Also she loves to touch our faces with her fingers and trace out our features.

She dislikes being put down for any reason now. She is getting much more social and wants to be with us all the time and is no longer happy just playing with Clip Clop Horse or her Jittery Pals. I am wearing her around the house more in her Munkey slings.

Once a day we walk around the yard and water all the flowers, trees, and the garden. She loves when I spray the water high in the air and it mists back on her. She also loves when I spray water up in the trees and it "rains" on her and she especially likes to take control of the hose and spray it haphazardly with her tiny hand in front of the water.

1 comment:

Go for It ! said...

Adorable little person. She loves that Bumpo, doesn't she?