Sunday, July 27, 2008

Whirlwind Weekend

This weekend was a bit crazy but we did a lot of stuff, had fun, and now we're tired.
Playing Tents the sequel:
Starting on Friday I got up early to put up the tents for our family camp-out (Munkey's Aunties, Uncles, and Cousins were there but not pictured for privacy) up at Unicorn Ridge that we were having that night. It was a great family camp out experience for everyone I think. Munkey Daddy really outdid himself on this one, fixin' up some tasty fajitas and a really amazing camp breakfast. He also built a really professional looking camp fire. I can't wait until Munkey is old enough to really appreciate playing tents with her MD and MM

Unfortunately the Munkey only slept until about 4 a.m. and then she was wide awake.
In order not to wake anyone we took her on a Munkey walk-about where she squawked and crowed like a rooster. She wanted to wake something up and she was determined. We followed a nice dirt road towards Strawberry early in the morning and it was very pleasant. Munkey did OK playing tents this time. I think we got more sleep than last time but we all still need more practice, before we're the best ever at playing tents.

With very little sleep we headed up to Salt Lake for my sister-in-law's baby shower. Munkey is getting a little boy cousin shortly on our side of the family and we are excited and happy for them.

We got home and put Munkey to bed. After two days of not sleeping and missing her naps, she conked out at 5:30 p.m. and we didn't see her again for 12 hours.

Hopefully we'll be all recovered soon because in two weeks it's on to Glacier, Montana to play cabins!


SenecaSis said...

I LOVE the picture of her sleeping--it's so sweet!

As for the rest of the blog:
I'm JEALOUS! I wish you guys didn't live so far from the ocean so that I could come along, too.

Yodame said...

I wish we lived in Hawaii so we could see you more often too :)