Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fake Cougher

Munkey has become a good fake cougher. She learned it from a friends baby who fake coughed all the way up the "Y" trail one day in protest while we were hiking. Munkey also likes to make her head turn red by straining and clenching her fists and holding her arms out, then she laughs and does it again. She can be a real show off and I got a video of it the other night while she was performing.

Piano Plunkin' Munkey

Munkey likes to plunk the piano every morning with Daddy. It's so funny how how excited she gets about it . The only down side is she drools into the keyboard on Dan's electric piano, probably that's not so good.

Visit with 'Lil B

Munkey had a good visit with Uncle Ben and 'Lil B and Aunt Wendy this weekend. Munkey is exactly 6 months to the day older than 'LB. They are both so cute!

Dan held 'LB a lot and was burping him while the cat supervised. Can't keep Dan away from babies, he loves 'em.

My brother, Uncle B, has an enormous Parana-like fish and Munkey was mesmerized watching it. I tried to get a picture but the tank was dark. I think the fish mostly wanted to eat Munkey, but she probably wanted to eat it too.

Thanks for a great visit!

Saturday, September 27, 2008


The lady Munkeys had such a good time at the Thanksgiving Point Gardens and Farm the other day. The rain stopped, the sun came out and we pretty much had the place to ourselves.

We did go into the Dino Museum, too, but decided the Munkey was just too young for that.

So we took a quick walk in the gardens, enjoyed the flowers, waterfalls and streams. The Munkey took it all in from her new umbrella stroller.

Her interest really picked up at the farm. Maybe the goats were her favorite as they came right up to the fence and did not frighten her. She was content to just take it all in, not reaching out to pet anything. Up to now, she had just seen these animals in her books and was a little startled by it all.

I'm sure there will be future trips to this fun farm. She seemed to have a new appreciation for pictures of animals in her books after the trip, or was I just imagining that she did ?

Thanks for a fun day !


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Happy B'day Nanna!

From all the Munkeys happy B'day Nanna. We loved your visit and you will be missed very much.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Munkey Swing

Her first swing ride, she loved it!

The open mouth in Munkey speak means, "This is the best Mom!".

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Mixing it up

How much fun can a Munkey have with a mixing bowl and a Daddy?


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Messy Munkey Mash

Is feeding a Munkey supposed to be this messy?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

08' Trek up Timp

Today was our annual trek up Mt. Timpanogos. It was our first time hiking up Timp with the baby. Actually, I hiked it when I was pregnant, so that's not true. Today I made it a little farther than when I was pregnant, but we didn't get to the top. We did still make it just below the saddle, for a total of about 12 miles of hiking!

It was amazing weather and Munkey B did really good except for when we got to the higher parts of the trail she was refusing food. We wonder if it had anything to do with the altitude. As soon as we came back down the mountain a bit, she started eating again. Or maybe it was just because she was so tempted to eat the whole mountain, because she tried. I love these pics of Dan trying to keep her from eating everything in site.

It was a fantastic day for us as a family and Munkey's first climb on Timp, outside the womb, I think she liked it.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Bean Museum

Today went went to the Bean Museum up at BYU with L and K. It was really a neat place to visit that I hope to go back to soon because there was so much to see we only made it half way through.
It's a natural history museum full of every kind of animal and insect possible. There was a whole African collection, bugs, shells, fish, birds, and much more. It was neat and at the same time it was sad thinking about all those animals that died. I hope they were all gassed humanely and sung lullabies as they went to sleep but probably that didn't happen :(

Monday, September 1, 2008

First Word, Mama!

Sara seems to have said her first word today. She was just babbling randomly and all the sudden she said, "Mama". Then she did it four more times, now she won't stop saying it. When I would say it she would watch my mouth then move hers up and down while studying mine it was so cute. We're trying to teach her Dada too but so far she hasn't tried to make the "D" sound yet.