Thursday, October 30, 2008

Munkey's incident, my trauma

Yesterday I was awoken to loud thumping like something was wrong in the other room. I rushed into the living room to find Dan bent over the Munkey ripping off her PJ's. I asked loudly what was wrong. He said that she had grabbed his hot coffee cup while she was sitting on his lap playing piano with him and it spilled on her.

Half asleep still, I was handed a baby that couldn't breath because she was freaking out and I looked down and she looked all red. I could not tell what had been burned and what hadn't. For all I knew her whole body was burned. Then I looked down at her arm and the skin was already coming off. That image did it for me. I was totally freaking out like off the charts.

Needless to say the morning didn't go so well and neither did our day. We took her to the doctor and he just said to keep neosporine on it and wrap it up for 3-5 days. It already looks much better today that it did yesterday. Most of the redness that was down her arm has gone away and it's just blistered on her elbow. She seems to be taking it like a champ and not showing any obvious signs of distress. I still however feel a bit or mostly traumatized but I'm trying to get over it.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Some great 8 month old pics

Eating Spaghetti for the first time:

Her signature smile/happy look, the open mouth:

She practices crawling and rolling around on the kitchen floor while we cook:

First Cheerios's, WOW love those! Even with some Tahini on them:
Thinks the big-girl bath is the most fun ever :

Munkeying around with Daddy.
Always gotta be checking it out, loves hiking and people watching :

Loves catching a ride:

Hates getting shoved into the warm bear suit but loves going outside:

Does Munkey tricks and likes to be silly:

Is a happy girl that we love very much!

Let Freedom Ring

The wonderful news for us is that our eight month old baby now goes to bed at 7 p.m. and does not get up until 7:30 a.m. It does not get any better than that. The longer sleeping time affords us more freedom at night but less during the day as her naps have become more unpredictable and often shorter. Still it's a pretty good trade off. Now we just need to get to bed earlier instead of watching Politics every night.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Spaghetti, ducks, Carp, and glow-in-the-dark stars

Munkey had a big day today. We got up early and went to the UVU to continue the hoop-jumping process that will eventually lead to me getting re-registered for class starting in January. We met with a nice adviser that was pleasant, helpful, and even entertained Munkey some.

Then we met Daddy at Novell for a lunch picnic and a walk around the Novell campus. There are marshy areas around Novell that are brimming with all kinds of critters. We saw large schools of hefty sized Carp which are pretty neat to look at. There was also one Coi fish that someone must have abandoned, it was swimming among the Carp trying to blend in. Also Dan spotted a Blue Heron basking among the cat-tails.

A little further down the path a mass of ducks came running to us thinking we had food. At a certain distance they determined we did not and they pivoted on their flippers and ran the other way. We found a big pod of them hanging around on the grass and let Munkey out of her stroller to have a look at them and the huge fish in the water as well. I think she was enthralled, she screamed when we tried to put her back in the stroller, not having any of that. I brought up the idea again of getting her a pet duck when she is a little older, I had 2 pet ducks growing up. We just have to figure out how to keep the cats out of our yard.

Later that afternoon I hung up glow-in-the-dark planets and stars in Sara's room on the ceiling. She watched me hang them with a broom, pressing them to the ceiling. Now she cranes her neck up there to make sure they're still there when you walk in the room. Tonight I got to show her how cool they are when they glow. I hope she does not have a crick in her neck tomorrow from looking up.

Tonight she had spaghetti for the first time and she really had fun chasing down the rubbery strings and raking them into her mouth. Also she loves drinking her food out of little cups for some reason. Today she drank pureed carrots, zucchini, watery oatmeal (and I couldn't pry it away), and then she ate some brown rice and plums. She's really getting the hang of this eating thing now. I wonder if her weight will show it at her 9 months check-up next month.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Round Round Get Around

One day after her 8th monthness there is significant prospect that she will be crawling soon. Guess we'll be childproofing this weekend.

Monday, October 20, 2008



Love, Nanna

Friday, October 10, 2008

Cute Munkey hat from Nanna

Thanks Nanna for making me this cute hat to keep my bald head warm!

Playing Capes in the Hall of the Mountain King

Munkey is having her cape applied by her sweet cousin M while Daddy plays the theme music. Munkey showcases being able to sit up by herself.