Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Spaghetti, ducks, Carp, and glow-in-the-dark stars

Munkey had a big day today. We got up early and went to the UVU to continue the hoop-jumping process that will eventually lead to me getting re-registered for class starting in January. We met with a nice adviser that was pleasant, helpful, and even entertained Munkey some.

Then we met Daddy at Novell for a lunch picnic and a walk around the Novell campus. There are marshy areas around Novell that are brimming with all kinds of critters. We saw large schools of hefty sized Carp which are pretty neat to look at. There was also one Coi fish that someone must have abandoned, it was swimming among the Carp trying to blend in. Also Dan spotted a Blue Heron basking among the cat-tails.

A little further down the path a mass of ducks came running to us thinking we had food. At a certain distance they determined we did not and they pivoted on their flippers and ran the other way. We found a big pod of them hanging around on the grass and let Munkey out of her stroller to have a look at them and the huge fish in the water as well. I think she was enthralled, she screamed when we tried to put her back in the stroller, not having any of that. I brought up the idea again of getting her a pet duck when she is a little older, I had 2 pet ducks growing up. We just have to figure out how to keep the cats out of our yard.

Later that afternoon I hung up glow-in-the-dark planets and stars in Sara's room on the ceiling. She watched me hang them with a broom, pressing them to the ceiling. Now she cranes her neck up there to make sure they're still there when you walk in the room. Tonight I got to show her how cool they are when they glow. I hope she does not have a crick in her neck tomorrow from looking up.

Tonight she had spaghetti for the first time and she really had fun chasing down the rubbery strings and raking them into her mouth. Also she loves drinking her food out of little cups for some reason. Today she drank pureed carrots, zucchini, watery oatmeal (and I couldn't pry it away), and then she ate some brown rice and plums. She's really getting the hang of this eating thing now. I wonder if her weight will show it at her 9 months check-up next month.

1 comment:

Go for It ! said...

What a nice day, for all of you :)