Thursday, November 20, 2008





Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Munkey's Capitol Reef Adventure Weekend Day II

This day we began early since she had been awake since about 5 a.m and 1 a.m. before that. She can't sleep in hotels in her play pen. Neither can we. It was about 34 degrees outside so we decided to drive down to the waterpocket fold which would take about an hour and a half and hopefully it would be warmer by then for a hike with her.

She's always a good sport in the car especially when I sit back there with her and feed her Cheerios's.

When we got to where we were going we bundled her up because it was probably only still about 40 degrees. She was making quite a fashion statement wearing 2 pairs of fleece PJ's, a fleece jacket, monkey hat, and 2 pairs of socks for gloves.

We let her play on the sandstone, she mostly tried to eat rocks but she liked the textures.

She's a good happy pack Munkey, this was another 5 mile hike and she didn't complain once, she just calmly stared up at the rocks, laughed at Mommy, and fell asleep. It was the best adventure a Munkey could have, and Munkey parents too.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Munkey's Capitol Reef Adventure Weekend Day I

Munkey was a really good sport this weekend, she traveled well and let us hike her all over the desert in the wind and cold. She also managed to have a lot of fun here is her picture story.

The first day we decided to hike up to the Rim Overlook, it's about a 5 mile trail that scales up 1,000 feet for a good view of the Fruita Orchards below and as always neat sandstone things.

She starts out really happy and laughing in her pack. She likes it when I hike beside her and make faces and she gets to laugh histerically at me being silly.

By the time we made it to the top of the trail she had been asleep for a while. Hiking makes her very sleepy. We let her snooze a little while we enjoyed the view.

When she woke up we hiked a short ways to a wash and let her play in the sand. I think this was her favorite part of the trip. We dressed her in multiple layers of clothes mostly because it was cold and windy but it was very effective at keeping sand out too. She was wearing two layers of fleece footie PJ's and fleece lined pants. We buried her in sand and had a good time watching her marvel at the fun new discovery.

Then Daddy gave her a bottle. I love these pics of her because in this light you can see that her hair is getting longer and it gets really red looking in the sunlight.

All too soon the fun was over and it was time for Daddy to drag Munkey and I back to the hotel for the night. We took one last look over the edge of the canyon.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Almost 9 Months

Munkey will be 9 months in two weeks. She is crawling faster and faster every day. At first she started out like a sea lion that would shimmy on its belly and pull itself forward with its flippers. Now she's getting some hefty knee action going and can get her belly off the ground. We just finished child proofing this weekend. All our outlets are plugged, cords hidden, and stairs blocked. It's a relief and now she is exploring or as MD called it, going on search and destroy missions.

The solid food thing is coming along surprisingly well. She does best when she feeds herself, I try to help only when she fails. She is eating peas, broccoli, squash, apples, plums, and Cheerios's. She seems to have allergies to bread, egg yolk, and milk products. The last few times I've fed these to her she gets a rash on her face that sometimes spreads on her entire body. She itches like she has fleas and I coat her in cortisone cream. I hope the Dr. can give me more info on rashes and allergies at our next appt.

She is a happy Munkey that likes swinging her legs, lick all her cousin's toys clean, babbling about gaga and ahga (Daddy's former work place) and I always say to her, "Did you just say gaga?", and then she laughs. She has also become almost impossible to dress and it's downright dangerous to change her duty bag. She rolls and squirms like a slug with salt on it. We've had to learn to dress her upside down, sideways, and in the fourth dimension.

Tonight we were at Daddy's fam b'day party and he was dancing with her to the music they've been dancing to since she was little, a lively ditty called "Move, Shake, Drop" by DJ LAZ. After the song was over he tried to hand her back to me and she acted like he had just abandoned her. She didn't want to stop dancing and kicking her legs out wildly while daddy gyrated around the room. So he picked her up and they kept dancing. I wish I had a video of it.

Now here comes the evidence that we have a cute little tomato head.

I think these are Dan's eyes, no one yet is claiming the ears...

Loves to eat snow... all of it.

Logging hours in the high chair...

Is a silly pea eater and becoming dangerously mobile...