Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Munkey's Capitol Reef Adventure Weekend Day II

This day we began early since she had been awake since about 5 a.m and 1 a.m. before that. She can't sleep in hotels in her play pen. Neither can we. It was about 34 degrees outside so we decided to drive down to the waterpocket fold which would take about an hour and a half and hopefully it would be warmer by then for a hike with her.

She's always a good sport in the car especially when I sit back there with her and feed her Cheerios's.

When we got to where we were going we bundled her up because it was probably only still about 40 degrees. She was making quite a fashion statement wearing 2 pairs of fleece PJ's, a fleece jacket, monkey hat, and 2 pairs of socks for gloves.

We let her play on the sandstone, she mostly tried to eat rocks but she liked the textures.

She's a good happy pack Munkey, this was another 5 mile hike and she didn't complain once, she just calmly stared up at the rocks, laughed at Mommy, and fell asleep. It was the best adventure a Munkey could have, and Munkey parents too.

1 comment:

Go for It ! said...

Her multiple layers of clothing....reminds me of the phrase from a favorite movie...."I can't put my arms down ! ".