Sunday, December 7, 2008


Munkey's blog is suffering from a back log of posts. So many things have happened in the last few weeks, it's been crazy. I haven't found much time at the computer since she has started crawling so fast. She races me to get to the computer room before I can get there. She climbs up everything in sight and the computer room is not childproof. So, very little time for me in that room now.

Here's a quick post to get caught up somewhat. A few weeks ago we hiked to the hot pots in Diamond Fork. I hadn't been in a long time, more than a year. It was great to see them again. It was cold when we started the hike, everything was covered with frost. Once we got to the hot pots, Munkey was sound asleep in her pack...

I took off my shoes and socks and rolled up my pants and dipped my legs into the warm water while Munkey snoozed. It was really relaxing but the rocks were slimy. After about fifteen minutes Munkey woke up and we looked around and took some photos. Munkey did not take a dip, it was too cold to get her wet that day.

I love the color of the water and that there is geothermal activity so close to our house (in
the form of a magma chamber close enough to the surface to heat ground water!).


Go for It ! said...

Is is always that blue?

Yodame said...

yeah, it's a weird blue-green, sometimes more so in the sunlight.

Anonymous said...

Hope little Sara didn't see any naked bathers up there...