Friday, January 30, 2009


We have a growling baby and we are proud, as anyone would be. She taught herself, we are not responsible. Actually that's not true, Dan growls at her when he plays with her sometimes. Mostly however, she growls along with one of her toys (that you hear in the video) that also makes a growling noise.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Our Growing Girl

Munkey B just turned 11 months old, it really is hard to believe. She is doing well and we measure that mostly by how she is eating. She's definitely eating better and growing rapidly.

She's outgrowing some of her 12 months clothes already. Just a few weeks ago she was swimming in her 12 months size pants so I was rolling them up at the waist to take up some space. Now she's filling them out and even has a little paunch hanging over :)

Also she is outgrowing the footies in her footie PJ's in the 12 months size. Maybe we should just cut the feet off and maybe we will, but I also went to K-Mart today and got some 18 month footies on clearance. I haven't tried them on her but the footies don't look a ton bigger. I guess we'll see.

Today I also got her a pair of tennis shoes, which mostly helps to keep her socks on. She's wearing a size 3, I have no idea if that's big or not but that's how big her paws are.

Anyway, back to eating, she's really doing well. I put her in the high chair a lot for quick short meals. Sometimes she's sits in the chair and you can tell that she really doesn't want to eat, she starts scattering the food around with her hand. Other times she eats amazing quantities. Today for example she ate almost a whole hard boiled egg yolk by herself, sweet potatoes and apple sauce mixed, chopped up blueberries, peas, crackers, french toast, and orange juice and squash juice mixed (she drinks anything mixed with orange juice I've found).

I think all the solid food is helping put extra weight on her, she goes to the doctor in February so we will see. It has made me feel better about her survival that she is eating better. I was worried when I had food poisoning, before I knew it wasn't something contagious that I had instead, that she would get it and waste away. Now I can relax a little even though she still has a long way to go.

Monday, January 19, 2009



almost, you are walking
almost, you are talking
almost, you are self-feeding
almost, you are skiing
almost, you are a year old
almost, you are getting enough sleep ( not really)
almost, Mama and Da Munkey are, too !

What a great little kid you are !!!

Love, Nanna

Thursday, January 15, 2009

More cute Munkey Pics

Munkey is almost 11 months and she seems to have already grown since Mom left on Monday. We've been making her eat like it's her job and I think she might have put on some weight finally. We'll know in February for sure when she goes in for her 12 month check-up.

We've had such a tough time feeding her. She's apparently allergic to everything. We tried just the tiniest bit of peanut butter once and never again! Recently she has been able to eat french toast bits, even though it seemed like she was allergic to eggs for a while. I'm hoping the allergies fade so that she can eat more dairy someday. If not, we'll make due. Here are her menu items right now: peas, finely chopped raisins and dates, applesauce, oatmeal, squash, french toast, non-salt saltines, Cheerios, broccoli, and she ate some kiwi this week. She's not a huge fan of sweet potato but we keep trying different forms of them, like mashed up in little oatmeal balls.

After Nanna left, Munkey decided she didn't want to take naps any more. However she is just starting to pass out now more in the car and while eating her bottle, probably from the exhaustion. The last few days we've been skiing and snowshoeing. I think she gets the best sleep in her ski trailer, it takes her about 5 seconds to go to sleep and even if the ice/snow is crunchy and loud and the ride is bumpy she keeps snoozin'. It's works great for me too.

Munkey B is so friendly. She loves to cuddle and coo and wiggle all over us. She likes it when we sing songs, especially ones she can "Jiggy" to. Also she likes to be held while you dance around the room with her and she likes it when you bounce her on your lap or let her jump in your lap while you singing hip-hop songs.

Here are some photos from the last two weeks. She's so big!

Friday, January 9, 2009

10 months photos

Here is a photo journal of Munkeys recent photos.

We eat a lot although she thinks sweet potatoes are for playing:

I have Munkey Daddy wrapped around my finger, he would pull me through 10 feet of snow, uphill both ways.

I also like eating tracked in snow off the floor, shhhh don't tell Mom.

I haz a cold but I still cute :

Likes to watch it snow:

I love these photos I took of Munkey out in the snow.
I love bath time!
I have a whole new Spring and Winter wardrobe, thanks in part to Bama Nanna and Gpa G in Barbados.

My hair is finally getting a little bit longer, you should see the back, I have a duck tail.

I had the best visit ever this month with my Nanna and I wore cute tennies that my Mom wore when she was a tot:

This should be no surprise, I love playing with MDaddy, or as she says "Da".

I like to get into everything and can be found in surprising places :
Did I do somefin bad?
I can be found here most days. Stop by sometime and have a cracker with me :)