Friday, March 13, 2009

The Clapper

Today she spontaneously started clapping for the first time. We saw her clapping while sitting by herself and then made a big deal about it, so now she's all about clapping for the sheer attention! She's been waiving good bye to Daddy in the morning and hello to us when we come to get her out of the crib. We need to get a video of it.


Go for It ! said...

I taught her to clap while I was there last time. I put her hands together and clapped them and then I clapped to show her the concept. She never just did it on her own while I was present. Maybe she thought of Nanna and clapped!

Smile on my face just now :)

Go for It ! said...

We did this over and over. She did not pick this up in one day. ( full disclosure)

I always praised her by saying "Sara can do it" when she did it along with me.