Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Using the Roll-Over Minutes

Munkey did the cutest thing today. I'm really upset I didn't recognize what she was doing sooner because the first part was twice as cute. She was playing with my cell phone and babbling really funny, different than she normally babbles. She kept saying "Um" over and over.

Then I realized she was switching the phone back and forth from her ears and she was imitating us talking on the phone. She had already been playing "phones" for several minutes before I figured it out. I ran for the camera and was able to catch the tail end of the conversation. She was really into it too. It sounds like she says "Um, let's see" a few times. It's also sounds like the last things she says is, "Let's see Um, I ah". It so hilarious that she thinks that's how we talk on the phone.


Go for It ! said...

When you hear her saying "why?" to you when you tell her to do something, you will know where she learned it ! So smart :)

Unknown said...

That sounds like a serious conversation! I love how she keeps looking around like she's trying to figure something out!

Lisa said...

That is so, so, so cute!

Tina said...

Very Cute!

SenecaSis said...

Oh...TOO CUTE!!!
I can't wait to see her in a couple of weeks.