Saturday, June 13, 2009

Munkey B visits her Bama Nanna

The first part of our vacation in Bama was at a house we rented at Lake Guntersville. Munkey B spent almost the whole time at the house trying to climb up to the second floor on the very tall stair case. When we got tired of helping her up and down the stairs, we took her outside where she ran up and down the street and sidewalks. Here are some pics of her enjoying the outsideness in her jogging shoes.

We also did a hike up to the Walls of Jericho and MB loved playing in the river and finding rocks.

When we got back to Nanna's house in B'ham we had lots of fun too. We took MB to the Zoo. She wore her monkey backpack with a leash for a tail, which came in handy for keeping track of her.

We saw peacocks and flamingos:

I love this photo of the three of them :

This one too:

Munkey liked the aquarium part :

And we saw a gorilla butt :

Us at the kangaroo pen :

Daddy and Munkey in the Bamboo Jungle :

Back at Nanna's house Munkey had fun in her pool and visiting with her Great G'm Nanny. My dog Ruby watches ( thinking to herself, "This kid knows how to have fun!" )

We took a pretty cool 4 generation picture on Nanna's back deck :

Munkey with her Great G'ma :

Munkey borrows her cousin's bike and takes a spin, legs almost reach the pedals.

My friend from High school and College, Jenny holds Munkey and a friend's baby ER as they examine her necklace :

Then when we were ready to leave, Munkey helped pack the suitcase :


Go for It ! said...

Funny little Munkey and her family must come again, soon !

Unknown said...

Oooooh, Munkeys AND flamingos? Great!