Thursday, April 15, 2010

Growing up on fast forward

Today Munkey grabbed me by the hand and led me to the toilet and pointed to her pants and said "off". Maybe that's a good sign she's getting ready for toilet training. I feel completely unprepared for it so I hope she is easy to train. I would say that this is the first parental duty/challenge that seems daunting to me for some reason that I can't substantiate.

Also she has been picking out her own clothes. She is very concerned with colors and tells us what colors she wants to wear. Last night we took down all the PJ's out of the closet and let her pick the one she wanted to wear. She seems to love having that kind of decision power and it's also good because she gets to practice saying her colors.

Another thing she does is tell us the days of the week. She doesn't get them right yet as far as matching the actual calendar day but she likes saying them and guessing.

Lastly, she is growing up so fast, the things she does surprise me daily. This is probably because I'm not used to be around children at all, so I learn as she learns. Today we picked out her favorite book to read, "Peter Rabbit" and she pointed to the cover at the word "Peter" and pointed to the letters "ete" and said "ete". Pretty cool I'd say.


Go for It ! said...

Might want to let her choose the potty as well. Doesn't get any more clear that she is ready, even if you have doubt. I remember how much she liked that potty book.

That Peter Rabbit book had some danger in it, so it seems she is also ready to handle a little more suspense in her reading. Growing up fast!!

Shan said...

Potty training is always a bit of a challenge. I would be happy to email a few tips that worked for my kids if you would like.

They really do grow up very fast, the development change is amazing from brith to seven.