Thursday, April 1, 2010

A horsey named Jimbo gets his hair did and other funness

Munkey has been a busy girl lately. This week she got to help us re-pot the tomato plants. She thought playing in the dirt was really fun and she insisted on being the one to fill up the pots. She was really careful and didn't even hurt the tomato plants.

She has also been really busy with a salon styling set that Nanna got her. It has a hairdryer that really blows air, a curling iron, brush, fake lipstick, and bottle of perfume that she says is shampoo. She is really into it, she has been shampooing, brushing, and blowing any hair she can get a hold of all week, then applying curl and lipstick. Here are some of her victims and these are their stories, their names have not been changed:

Horsey named Jimbo gets a shampoo

Then we blow dry and style

Next, Jimbo gets his curl on

Then, because this ain't no cheap salon, Jimbo gets a snack

And his teeth brushed

Munkey and Jimbo share toothbrushes

Next victim, Me. Wash, rinse, repeat.

This is the last thing the victim sees

Also, I made her this really cool rainbow poofy pillow that she likes to sit on and plan her next blow drying assault

Whew, we need some down time, it's been a long day. Munkey loves watching people cook. She loves Emeril Live. She points and says things like, "pan, spoon, onion, pasta". She really gets into it and you can't peel her away.

After a long day like this, she is super tired....


SenecaSis said...

Wow! What a fun girl! I love that she still opens her mouth like this: "O" when working ;) So cute!

KP&GVS3 said...

Mama's captions are hysterical, & very entertaining. Almost as entertaining as Munkey. Fun documentary of a day in the life of your cutie.