Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat

Sara was so excited to go trick or treating tonight. She even loved handing out candy to the kids that came to the door. She got a bunch of peanut candy that she couldn't eat when she got home. She had lots of fun though, there were hundreds of kids out around the neighborhood.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Her Punkin

We decided to get Sara her very own pumpkin this year and let her decorate it. She decided to use paints and then we put a face on it with stuff we found around the house. I think it turned out pretty funny. She was so proud of her self for decorating it.

Sara got to trick-or-treat at Daddy's work for the first time this year. Sadly Brennan and I were too sick to go. Sara came home with a bucket full of candy.

The unicorn costume I got her really does not fit her. It's way too short. We might be getting her an 11th hour costume to trick or treat in Monday.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

We need a break

These poor kids. They have been sick for over a month now. Sara has been the sickest. She has had the flu 2 times. Right now she has a terrible cough and fever. She's been sick since Wednesday and it's now Saturday. Every morning she gets up I keep hoping that today will be the day she gets better but she's just been getting worse. Maybe tomorrow will be the day.

So far no one else is sick and it's some kind of miracle. I'm not sure how we can stay well at this point. I thought it was under my control, that if I kept them away from large groups or sick kids and use hand sanatizer or hanatizer as Sara calls it, that we wouldn't get sick but we're still sick. So it's just something we have to live through I guess.

Sara needs extra comfort while she's sick and I feel sad that I'm not able to give it to her. She waits for her Dad to come home to have someone to sit and hug her. I've been trying really hard to keep Brennan well by not having her sit next to us coughing on us and so far he's not sick. I hope it stays that way, a baby with her cough would not be in good shape.

I have feelings of guilt because I feel like I'm only half the parent to her that I was before. I only have time to read to her a fraction of the time I used to. Her needs that were always met are sometimes not met or very delayed. Juggling two kids is quite a bit harder than I ever imagined. I can't imagine what people do with more than two kids.

I've tried to carve out special time that I take her places and do things but it seems like it's just not enough. I try every day to sing to her, tickle her, and read at least one book in addition to taking care of her basic needs everyday such as bathing, tooth and hair brushing, sheet changing, dressing, feeding, etc. I'm really thankful she has Dan and I'd really be worried about her if she didn't have him. Brennan takes up a lot of my time but at least Daddy always has time for her.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Sara was so happy that is snowed last week. She kept saying, "Mom, it's Christmas, it's snowing, Nanna can come now." She's looking forward to Nanna's visit and we told her it would be snowing and Christmas when Nanna was here.

Anyway, she wanted to go out in it immediately of course. She also wanted to build a snowman but there was not enough snow. It only lasted a few hours and then melted pretty quickly but she had fun playing in it.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

A girl's work is never done

Sara has been helping with chores more and more. This morning she was taking laundry out of the dryer and it was really amusing. She was wearing kind of a house wife outfit and it cracks me up that she gets all the way into the dryer to take the clothes out. I had to get a tape of it. I just realized that the video has its own musical score provided by Daddy as well.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Day at the Grandparents

Today we went up to Grandpa and Granny KP's house. Sara had fun eating all their grapes and plums. I'm a little worried about how many she has eaten today. She doesn't wear a diaper any more so I hope she makes it through the night.

We thought it was funny that she called the seeds inside the grapes "pits". I think it's because most of our fruit has pits in it and she eats our dates and she hasn't really had many foods with seeds.

She also had fun cutting a rug with Granny Karen. Sara loves dancing. I don't know whether she was copying Karen's dance or vice versa but it was cute. They were listening to yodeling/ bluegrass music.

I noticed that Sara really liked following Grandma KP around like a little duckling, watching what she was doing or maybe it was that G'KP was feeding her and tending to her :) Either way it was sweet.

Dad thought the necklace that Sara made was really special too. Sara is super proud that she made it. She tells everyone that this is the necklace that she made with Daddy.

Thanks to Dad for these great photos. Grandparents are really good for kids and I'm so thankful she has all hers!

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Sara has been really busy doing Halloween crafts. She has been making foam sticker cards and putting names on them with glue and glitter. I hope we can get them in the mail next week.

Also we picked out a fish shower curtain to go in her bathroom. She has been learning the various names of the fish. I think it's weird though to see saltwater and freshwater fish swimming together, it seems out of place. It's a cool shower curtain though and she likes to look at the fish while she sitting on the toilet.

She's been saying some really funny things as always. There's a song in her music class that says, "The old gray mare just ain't what she used to be". Sara wanted to know what a mare was so I said it's a girl horse. Then she wanted to know why the horse was old and that was a hard question to answer. I tried to explain it as being tired and sad in the context of the song. So she said maybe the horse just needs a bath to feel better.

Tonight Dan asked Sara if she knew was "Married" meant and Sara said that it means to be an old gray girl horse, a mare. I guess they do sound the same, and it's called getting "hitched" and there's a groom, so she may be on to something.

Also, the tractor was bailing up hay in the field in the front yard and she loves to go out and watch it. She yelled, "Mom, the tractor is pooping, let's go watch it!". So we watched it for maybe an hour. The lady driving the tractor waved at her every time she went by and even honked the tractor's horn. It was huge entertainment for Sara.

Sara tried on this cool Halloween costume at Cracker Barrel today. I wish it was practical for her to wear but I have a feeling she would have a hard time keeping it on. She picked out a pink unicorn costume a few days ago so I guess we'll go with that.