Sunday, April 8, 2012

Self Aware at Easter

Sara has become more self aware lately and maybe that's why we've been seeing the tantrums.  I think she notices more what people say and do at school and how people react and treat her and she can't express it any other way.

I've been trying a few new things with maybe a little success.  I think it will also be interesting to see if her tantrums stop when she does not have pre-school this summer.  If the disharmony is coming from being in that class.

As an example of being more self aware, she has started spending a lot of time in front of the mirror.  She has never done this before so it's kind of weird for me.  She spends a long time brushing and spraying her hair, putting hair things in, putting on chap stick, and brushing her teeth.  All good things to learn I suppose.  Also she puts on her braclets and jewelry.  She says she has to make herself look pretty.  I guess all little girls probably go through these phases even though I can't conceive of myself as a kid doing this, maybe I did or maybe I didn't and maybe that's what's wrong with me.

 Sara has been talking for WEEKS about how she's excited about Easter and asking everyone she knows if they are excited about it too.  Finally the day came, Saturday we dyed eggs.  She really loves dyeing eggs.  She helped me dunk them each into their color solutions and then she dutifully dried them off with a hair dryer when we were done. 

She was also really looking forward to going to Granny KP and Grandpa's house to hunt eggs with Benny.  Their yard is a wonderful place for an Easter egg hunt, lots of fun places to hide the eggs. 

Benny and Sara had a great hunt.  Benny did the same thing he did the previous year, following Sara around instead of taking off on his own.  One of these years he'll figure out that he gets more loot if he goes it alone.  It was really cute to see him want to hunt eggs with her though.  They had a whole crew of paparazzi following them.  Also, at the end we made Sara, Benny, and Brennan all pose for a pic.

And as I was uploading that photo, Google tells me that I am out of storage and can't upload any more photos :(  So I finally caved at paid the $20 annual fee to get more storage.  Small price to pay I guess for blogs for the Grandparents to enjoy blogs and hopefully the kids will appreciate someday :)  Now it tells me I can start uploading 40 thousand more pictures, yay.

I can't wait until next Easter when all three of them can run around the yard.


KP&GVS3 said...

Precocious & interesting. Me neither, I think I decided very early that I was basically an ugly child, so I didn't bother about the mirror - until I was a teenager.

Go for It ! said...

I see she still loves that dress. Cute haircut, Sara, lookin' good :)