Monday, May 7, 2012

4 year old check-up

Sara had her four year old check up today at the doctor.  It was a little late because we were trying to get her allergy test done first so the doctor could have the results on hand. 

They measured her weight (37lb) and height, checked her eyes, and blood pressure.  She passed all of it with flying colors.  The doctor said her growth and weight are perfect and he said with a vegetarian kid he was kind of surprised she looked so good.  I explained to him that she eats really well and healthy and that we are lucky, most parents would kill for a kid that eats so well. 

Sara's vision check was funny.  She had to wear a pirate patch over each eye as they checked the other one.  The nurse was so nice to her and Sara was so proud of herself for getting the shapes right.  She thought it was a fun game.

She also answered all of the questions that the doctor asked her and was proud of herself for getting everything right.

Sara had to get three shots today to get her ready for kindergarden.  She laughed on the first one and then started crying for the others.  The doctor said she does not need any more vaccines until she's 12, so that was good news. 

Luckily she didn't cry or freak out today while the doctor looked at her.  It was a huge relief for me.  It's hard to take care of both of them by myself when they are freaking out.

The doctor didn't say too much about her allergies other than, if we go to an ice cream buffet, not to let her have any toppings because sometimes the peanuts can end up in the sprinkles accidentally.

I feel like she graduated today from being a little kid, as far as doctor visits anyway.   I'm glad it was a good experience for us both.

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