Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I lost a Toof!

Sara has been complaining that her tooth hurts on the bottom when I brush her teeth and when she eats.  She has been bugging me for weeks to take her to the dentist right away.  I thought maybe her teeth were just sensitive so I kind of put her off bu then the other day I had a dream that her tooth was lose.  Sure enough, when I went to go wiggle it, it was loose.

I thought maybe she had broken it because I thought kids were 6,7, or 8 before their teeth fell out.  I called the dentist and they said that if she had teeth come in early, and she did at 4 months, then it's already time.  They also told me that they fall out in the order they came in, which I thought was interesting too.

So the tooth was wobbly for a few days but Dan finally decided to go ahead and pull it this morning.  Now we'll have to figure out what the tooth fairy is going to leave her...


The tooth Fairy left her $5.00, she was thrilled.  She says she wants to buy a kit or maybe save up for a kids swimming pool.  I guess she's thinking a lot about summer.

1 comment:

Go for It ! said...

Well, did the tooth fairy pay her a visit? What was her reaction ?