Saturday, March 16, 2013

Reading, writing, and creativity

Sara has been going to pre-school for 2 years now and we are amazed at what she has learned.  I'm almost a little worried she'll be over-prepared for Kindergarten.  I guess we'll find out.   She knows how to write her name, address, phone number, and lots of simple words.  She can count and write numbers to 30.

She practices on her math and spelling works books all the time, she even does them for "fun".  Or she thinks they are really fun.  She gets sad when we tell her it's time to put them away.  Another thing that impresses me about her is that she never turns the page and says, "Oh, I just can't do this one", she just keeps trying until she gets it.

I credit most of everything she's learned from her pre-school.  The teacher is really really amazing.  I hope I can remember to get a picture of them together on the last day.  I'm very excited that Brennan gets to go there someday too.

Sara brings home a new school book every week and we practice reading it.  She has 10 or 15 of these simple books that her teacher puts together for all the kids.  Some of them are funny and really make her laugh.  She is so good at sounding out the words, I especially proud of her learning to do this so well.  Here is a video of her practicing ready one of her simple books and sounding out the words.

Here is a pic of some of the creative things they make at school.  The were doing the letter "W" the other day so they made walruses.   I'm always amazed at the cute projects they are doing at school.

Also, Sara has really been into puzzles lately too.  She's great at doing them herself.  She says a girl at pre-school is good at doing puzzles and they play puzzles every day.

 She also really loves to dance with her Brother.  Granny Karen gave them a video when Sara was small about nursery rhymes and they both think it's the greatest, it always gets them dancing.  Here's the latest vid I have of them dancing. 

Sara is still taking ice skating lessons.  I don't like her new teacher as well as the other one, but I'm still hoping she can learn a lot and it's only for 6 weeks and then hopefully she get a different teacher.  Her speed is a little behind so I am planning on taking her extra times during the week to practice more.  I hope it will make the difference.

She will be taking swimming through April and then we'll break until next August or September.  Her swim teacher recently took underwater pics of her and the other boy she swims with so hopefully she'll get those sometime and I can post them.

I hope we have a fun and enjoyable summer, she is super excited about her new room and the new house too. She says she wants a My Little Pony room.  I asked her what if she gets tired of My Little Pony someday and she said that would never happen.  She and the little girl next door love to play and watch My Little Ponies, it's their main activity together besides playing in the yard.  I told Sara I'd check into getting her a MLP poster for her room.

We just registered her for Kindergarten this week at her new school.  Dan was so excited that he actually insisted on going to register her.  Thankfully we both got to go because there was a mountain of paperwork and it took both of us to fill it out.  Sara got to look around her new school a little, it was very nice inside.  I'm really thrilled for her.  I actually think she'll do well wherever she ends up in life, no matter what because she is genuine, confident, and extremely friendly.  She noticed that her new elementary school mascot was a bear, she liked that.

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