Friday, August 14, 2015

Motley Fairy House

Sara really wanted to make a Fairy house so we hatched a plan to create one out of recyclables, moss we had collected on vacation and other nature debris we found in the park, and stuff from the craft store.

Here is how the fairy house started out :
Sara came up with a lot of the design ideas.  We cut up the jugs and bottles to form houses and pools.  We also have a bottle bridge.  This was the contraption we created with a glue gun, two towers connected by a root beer bottle bridge.  we cute holes in the front of the containers for the fairy doors.

Then we started the laborious process of gluing all the moss on.  I glued and burned my fingers while the kids fed the voracious gun glue sticks.
Then we started on the furniture and mushroom deco.  We glued these wooden pieces together and painted them to look like mushrooms.
I was surprised that Sara was actually a very careful mushroom painter, Brennan was anything but.

In the end, our fairy house looked a little motley. Maybe it's the fae house on the bad side of town, but the kids still really liked it and they created it and had fun, so that's what counts I guess.  We can build a better one next year.

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