Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Munkey'd Christmas

We drove 9 hours strait through yesterday from California to Utah, to be home for Christmas today. Unfortunately we had already opened our presents before we left but we were happy to discover when we arrived home, a bevy of boxes on our doorstep. We had presents from Auntie Fara and Mom and an Auntie in HI to open. Then, after shoveling out of our driveway and taking some pics of the massive amount of snow, we went and spent Christmas morning with M&M and the G'ma's.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

GG'ma visit

We got to visit Munkey's Great G'ma B. down in St. George this weekend. It was a wonderful stay and I'm thankful we got to go and that we got these great pics of Munkey and GG'ma. They became fast friends. Also it is blowing my mind how big Munkey looks in these pics!

Saturday, December 20, 2008







Tuesday, December 9, 2008

9 Months Antics

Here are some of the photos of her 9 monthness that I've been meaning to put up. She has changed so much this month it's been hard for me to keep up. It's a challenge having to re-adjust to her progressive mobility but we're surviving and she's having a blast.

Enjoying the last few days of fall out in the backyard :

Logs a lot of time in the highchair, eats finger food like a champ by herself :

Likes to read books several times a day :

Loves to sit and play with all the cousin's hand-me-down toys:

Looks cute in sweaters :

Practices walking with Daddy :

Can climb on things (especially us) and will pull herself up now unassisted :

Needs her own hydropack:

Loves snow:

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Munkey's blog is suffering from a back log of posts. So many things have happened in the last few weeks, it's been crazy. I haven't found much time at the computer since she has started crawling so fast. She races me to get to the computer room before I can get there. She climbs up everything in sight and the computer room is not childproof. So, very little time for me in that room now.

Here's a quick post to get caught up somewhat. A few weeks ago we hiked to the hot pots in Diamond Fork. I hadn't been in a long time, more than a year. It was great to see them again. It was cold when we started the hike, everything was covered with frost. Once we got to the hot pots, Munkey was sound asleep in her pack...

I took off my shoes and socks and rolled up my pants and dipped my legs into the warm water while Munkey snoozed. It was really relaxing but the rocks were slimy. After about fifteen minutes Munkey woke up and we looked around and took some photos. Munkey did not take a dip, it was too cold to get her wet that day.

I love the color of the water and that there is geothermal activity so close to our house (in
the form of a magma chamber close enough to the surface to heat ground water!).

Thursday, November 20, 2008





Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Munkey's Capitol Reef Adventure Weekend Day II

This day we began early since she had been awake since about 5 a.m and 1 a.m. before that. She can't sleep in hotels in her play pen. Neither can we. It was about 34 degrees outside so we decided to drive down to the waterpocket fold which would take about an hour and a half and hopefully it would be warmer by then for a hike with her.

She's always a good sport in the car especially when I sit back there with her and feed her Cheerios's.

When we got to where we were going we bundled her up because it was probably only still about 40 degrees. She was making quite a fashion statement wearing 2 pairs of fleece PJ's, a fleece jacket, monkey hat, and 2 pairs of socks for gloves.

We let her play on the sandstone, she mostly tried to eat rocks but she liked the textures.

She's a good happy pack Munkey, this was another 5 mile hike and she didn't complain once, she just calmly stared up at the rocks, laughed at Mommy, and fell asleep. It was the best adventure a Munkey could have, and Munkey parents too.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Munkey's Capitol Reef Adventure Weekend Day I

Munkey was a really good sport this weekend, she traveled well and let us hike her all over the desert in the wind and cold. She also managed to have a lot of fun here is her picture story.

The first day we decided to hike up to the Rim Overlook, it's about a 5 mile trail that scales up 1,000 feet for a good view of the Fruita Orchards below and as always neat sandstone things.

She starts out really happy and laughing in her pack. She likes it when I hike beside her and make faces and she gets to laugh histerically at me being silly.

By the time we made it to the top of the trail she had been asleep for a while. Hiking makes her very sleepy. We let her snooze a little while we enjoyed the view.

When she woke up we hiked a short ways to a wash and let her play in the sand. I think this was her favorite part of the trip. We dressed her in multiple layers of clothes mostly because it was cold and windy but it was very effective at keeping sand out too. She was wearing two layers of fleece footie PJ's and fleece lined pants. We buried her in sand and had a good time watching her marvel at the fun new discovery.

Then Daddy gave her a bottle. I love these pics of her because in this light you can see that her hair is getting longer and it gets really red looking in the sunlight.

All too soon the fun was over and it was time for Daddy to drag Munkey and I back to the hotel for the night. We took one last look over the edge of the canyon.