Sunday, March 9, 2008

First hike with Mom and Dad

Today was Sara's first real journey out at 19 days old. We did a short hike on the "Y" trail up in the foothills. My Aunt and Uncle sent us an awesome baby carrier that we love. Sara hung in it like a rag doll the whole way, not making a sound. We got to enjoy nature, see some birds and deer, and get some much needed sunshine.


Tina said...

You are amazing Rosey! 19 days after my c-section (or even my natural births) I was no where near a hike. Even an easy one.

FoxyJ said...

I still don't hike and it's been nearly two years :)

If you guys want to borrow our sling, we're not using it and I'm sure it would fit both of you well. We got it to fit Ben and you're both fairly tall. Let me know and we'll mail it. Our kids really liked snuggling down in the sling when they were that little.

Yodame said...
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Unknown said...

So cute!

Yodame said...

Tina, thanks, I think I'm just too stubborn for my own good. I want to be outside but I'm still really sore. I really need several more weeks of doing nothing, if I were wise.

Foxyj- you were walking a lot if I remember, that's just as good. I am going to work up to our 3 mile walk that we were taking while I was pregnant. We would love the sling if you guys aren't using it any more. That was such a good way to tote them around. Thanks!