Sunday, March 30, 2008

More photos, of course

I take lots of pics of Sara. I keep the camera handy whichever room I'm in. Today I caught pics of her watching Daddy play piano. We sit her beside the piano in her bouncer sometimes to watch and listen. We did it today specifically after she craned her neck to watch Dan play. She is really starting to interact with people. She loves to watch us as we move around a room, her eyes will follow our every move. She also has certain noises she makes where she calls out to us if she can't see us. Also she has started crying with a purpose or as Dan calls it, social crying. She cries now and then watches us to see what our reaction will be, then if it's not to her liking she cries some more then watches us again, it's pretty cute.


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Rosey - Your dad & I just ran the slide show of Sara with Daddy Dan's photo showing on the bottom. Try that and you may be as amused as we were. Granny Kepi