Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Four months check up

Munkey B went for her four month check up yesterday. She got a good report. When Munkey Daddy got home from work he looked at her growth charts that they print out for us measuring her height, head circumference, and weight against the norm. He says, "She super skinny, has a perfect sized head, and she's taller than a banshee". We had a good laugh at this. I asked him how tall a banshee is and he said he didn't know but that Munkey B is taller than one.

She was in the 13% for weight, coming in at 11.15. Her head circumference is 50%, and her length was 24 inches. We thought the doctor was going to tell us to put her on cereal supplement but he did not and we were glad. We don't want to start her on solids until 6 months. The doctor basically said to keep doing what we're doing.

I can't believe in 2 months she'll be six months already, time flies.


Unknown said...

So glad she's doing well, and we can't wait to meet her at (almost) 6 months!!

Anonymous said...

No idea what a banshee is, but the stats describe a very intelligent fashion model. We know she's gorgeous, whatever else! MG Kepi

FoxyJ said...

I guess she just fits in the family--our kids are tall and skinny too :) By the way, I have a book about making your own baby food that M gave me and now I'll pass on to you when we get there in a few weeks.