Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Rock Canyon Hike

Tonight we hiked in Rock Canyon with family. MD and MB are so cute hiking together. MB very often looks over at me a laughs like she is having the best time.

Also she needs to be constantly chewing on something because she is teething. She tried to eat MD's hand but she left him a stub so he can still work.

You would have thought something horrible was beside the trail the way everyone was looking but it was just a river.

I like these flowers that we saw, not sure what they were though.

MD feeds MB on the trail. MB says, "Aim more to the left Dad".


Unknown said...

She is growing so much!!

Those flowers kind of look like the onions and garlic that are blooming in our garden!

Anonymous said...

How come Dan looks even more handsome with Sara in his arms? KP

Yodame said...

Yes, I've noticed that too. They are great together. Dan said the other day that we need to make another one just as cute as Munkey. However I'm far from ready so we'll just enjoy this one we have...but imagine how cute he'd be with two Munkeys.