Monday, September 1, 2008

First Word, Mama!

Sara seems to have said her first word today. She was just babbling randomly and all the sudden she said, "Mama". Then she did it four more times, now she won't stop saying it. When I would say it she would watch my mouth then move hers up and down while studying mine it was so cute. We're trying to teach her Dada too but so far she hasn't tried to make the "D" sound yet.


Go for It ! said...

How extraordinary !

But if any baby could speak at 6 months, this girl would be the one. She does not miss a thing :)

KP&GVS3 said...

I'm betting Dada will come soon. And after a few days with Nana, Sara will have that one down too. Perhaps more! MG KP

Unknown said...

That's so exciting! Precious to watch!