Thursday, October 30, 2008

Munkey's incident, my trauma

Yesterday I was awoken to loud thumping like something was wrong in the other room. I rushed into the living room to find Dan bent over the Munkey ripping off her PJ's. I asked loudly what was wrong. He said that she had grabbed his hot coffee cup while she was sitting on his lap playing piano with him and it spilled on her.

Half asleep still, I was handed a baby that couldn't breath because she was freaking out and I looked down and she looked all red. I could not tell what had been burned and what hadn't. For all I knew her whole body was burned. Then I looked down at her arm and the skin was already coming off. That image did it for me. I was totally freaking out like off the charts.

Needless to say the morning didn't go so well and neither did our day. We took her to the doctor and he just said to keep neosporine on it and wrap it up for 3-5 days. It already looks much better today that it did yesterday. Most of the redness that was down her arm has gone away and it's just blistered on her elbow. She seems to be taking it like a champ and not showing any obvious signs of distress. I still however feel a bit or mostly traumatized but I'm trying to get over it.


Go for It ! said...

My poor little sweetie !

Yes, kids get over trauma amazingly fast. Hard on Mom and Dad, however.

FoxyJ said...

I felt horrible for weeks (and still feel bad) after Little Dude grabbed my curling iron this spring and severely burned his hand. Thankfully it healed really well and he doesn't even remember. I think stuff like that is harder on moms sometimes than for kids. Hopefully she'll heal up quickly.

svoid said...

The thumping, in case anyone was wondering, was actually the coffee mug hitting the floor and not the munkey hitting the floor :)

Tina said...

Ahh, poor thing. Good thing she had pajamas on!

Dan, your comment made me laugh.

Yodame said...

Yeah, I was impressed at Dan's quick action to take the PJ's off as fast as possible. I'm not sure it would have instantly come to my mind. I think Dan handled it great and I get a big FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF or lots of F's. Maybe next time something happens to her it won't startle me so bad or maybe it was just the particular situation that did it. Who knows.

-Dan's comment made me laugh too.

Chris said...

Not that it will make you feel any better, but we went through the exact same thing. No scars mentally or physically, except with Mom and Dad. I felt pretty bad but I doubt either of the kids even remember the event. So you are not alone.

KP&GVS3 said...

Not fun. Would take me a while if I were the Munkey Mommy. I hope she let herself have a good cry, whah! KP

Unknown said...

Poor little Munkey :( And Mom&Dad. Maybe we'll send thermal cups with screw on lids for Christmas.

Glad everybody's okay.