Saturday, October 25, 2008

Some great 8 month old pics

Eating Spaghetti for the first time:

Her signature smile/happy look, the open mouth:

She practices crawling and rolling around on the kitchen floor while we cook:

First Cheerios's, WOW love those! Even with some Tahini on them:
Thinks the big-girl bath is the most fun ever :

Munkeying around with Daddy.
Always gotta be checking it out, loves hiking and people watching :

Loves catching a ride:

Hates getting shoved into the warm bear suit but loves going outside:

Does Munkey tricks and likes to be silly:

Is a happy girl that we love very much!


Go for It ! said...

What fun to be Sara Belle !

KP&GVS3 said...

Munkey Parents are pretty fun and silly too. Love the big boots Little Girl!

B.G. Christensen said...

We don't approve of the number 8 around here. Please get to the 9-month-old pictures so we can enjoy the cuteness.

SenecaSis said...

I'm convinced that Munkey has that wide open-mouthed smile just to show off all of those teeth!

Yodame said...

Sara loves being the Belle.

Little girl walking in Daddy's shoes already.

Hope Prop 8 gets what's coming to it for ruining a perfectly good number.

Yes, she's proud of her teeth, grew them all herself :)