Friday, January 23, 2009

Our Growing Girl

Munkey B just turned 11 months old, it really is hard to believe. She is doing well and we measure that mostly by how she is eating. She's definitely eating better and growing rapidly.

She's outgrowing some of her 12 months clothes already. Just a few weeks ago she was swimming in her 12 months size pants so I was rolling them up at the waist to take up some space. Now she's filling them out and even has a little paunch hanging over :)

Also she is outgrowing the footies in her footie PJ's in the 12 months size. Maybe we should just cut the feet off and maybe we will, but I also went to K-Mart today and got some 18 month footies on clearance. I haven't tried them on her but the footies don't look a ton bigger. I guess we'll see.

Today I also got her a pair of tennis shoes, which mostly helps to keep her socks on. She's wearing a size 3, I have no idea if that's big or not but that's how big her paws are.

Anyway, back to eating, she's really doing well. I put her in the high chair a lot for quick short meals. Sometimes she's sits in the chair and you can tell that she really doesn't want to eat, she starts scattering the food around with her hand. Other times she eats amazing quantities. Today for example she ate almost a whole hard boiled egg yolk by herself, sweet potatoes and apple sauce mixed, chopped up blueberries, peas, crackers, french toast, and orange juice and squash juice mixed (she drinks anything mixed with orange juice I've found).

I think all the solid food is helping put extra weight on her, she goes to the doctor in February so we will see. It has made me feel better about her survival that she is eating better. I was worried when I had food poisoning, before I knew it wasn't something contagious that I had instead, that she would get it and waste away. Now I can relax a little even though she still has a long way to go.


FoxyJ said...

She is getting very cute! S-Boogie has always worried me with her slow growing habits--even though she eats plenty it never seems to stick. Maybe she'll just grow up tall and skinny :)

Go for It ! said...

Munkey, I like your shoes !

KP&GVS3 said...

Munkey Mamma, we really appreciate the update, so carefully written. Soon she'll be up for a Chuck a Rama, all-you-can-eat buffet.

SenecaSis said...

I love the fact that her mouth is always wide open in all pictures--like she's ready to gobble up life ;)

Yodame said...

Thanks everyone.
I love that metaphor SenecaSis, she does gobble up life!