Friday, October 30, 2009

Snow sliding

Today we went to the River Park in Spanish Fork Canyon. We really needed to get out of the house even though it's been cold and snow flurrying off and on. I had envisioned that we might walk along the river trail some and maybe play on the play ground. When we got there however the gate was closed to the park. So I did what every self-respecting toddler mother would do, I jumped the gate. Actually, I tried to go through a small opening first and didn't make it, so I climbed over and Munkey squoze through the opening and then we headed for the playground.

I was proud of Munkey for climbing up the entire playground assembly by herself, up to the slide, and then actually sitting down and sliding. The first time I ever let her go down a slide by herself she insisted on climbing up to the highest one and then ran over the edge of it with out slowing down or sitting first. Luckily I caught her before she smacked her head into something. That is why I say I am glad she has learned to sit now :)

As a side note, I wish people who make slides would put small drainage holes at the bottom of them. They always hold water and today it was actually a patch of ice at the bottom.

I think she liked playing at the playground even more with the snow flurries but it got cold fast so we didn't stay as long as she would have wanted. I didn't get a video of the screaming tantrum where I had to carry her back to the car while she was kicking her boots off and clawing at me. Then I had to climb back over the gate while trying to keep her from running into the barbed wire on either side. Still, it was good to get out of the house!


Go for It ! said...

Love that Munkey !

Go for It ! said...

Love that Munkey !

SenecaSis said...

Love how she repeats, "careful"...
So cute. And so brave!

Tina said...

Kayla says, "I want you to put more pictures of Munkey Belle. I like the picture of her on the park."