Thursday, August 26, 2010

Stuff we did this summer

It's been a busy summer here but we've had fun. Here's a photo blog of stuff we did.

Munkey's two friends in our neighborhood, Marison and McKinley come over to play often. We took them on a short hike up to Escalante Cross and then to play at the Spanish Fork Reservoir.

Pictured below, Marison and her Mom Angeline. Munkey calls Marison "the baby".

Then we had a tea party (not a political leaning) (and we used water).

We also got to hang out with our other friends Camilla and Aaron.

Next we went to Lagoon with Daddy on Novell day. It's probably the most fun we had all summer. I think Daddy maybe even had more fun than me.

Riding trains makes Daddy happy.

I went on my first real camping trip this summer, to Electric Lake and then again Meteor watching with Grandpa.

This is me trying out sleeping in my new sleeping bag.

Here we are camping at Electric Lake. I took my first ride in a Kayak, we paddled the length of the lake and I even fell asleep once.

My favorite part was playing in the tent though.

We also went camping with G'pa and Kepi and looked at the moon and stars.

Next we hiked through Timpanogos cave. There were some tight spots and it was pretty dark but Daddy helped me through.

Daddy always gets surprised in caves.

We also had fun this summer when we stayed at home.

Here are just some pics of my cuteness.

Artwork, I did it myself.

Also this summer we have done a LOT of reading. We go to story time at the library once a week and we load up on books. I have started music class too at Daddy's music school. Hopefully we will get some pics of those events to post soon.


Tina said...

Sounds like a fun summer!

SenecaSis said...

Oh my gosh! That last picture of Munkey looks JUST like Dan when he was about that age!