Friday, October 29, 2010

Munkey Update

We have so much fun around here that it's hard for me to keep up with it on the blog (that's my excuse anyway). Well it's true. Dan and I can't imagine how much more joy we could possibly get from Munkey unless we squeezed her.

Last week we saw some of Munkey's friends Noah (3) and Aaron (1). They came over to our house and we went to the park. I was amazed I got all three car seats in my back seat, it was not easy, we had to work to get the door closed. Now I know that I can fit them, NOT that I'll ever really need to have three permanent car seats back there!

The look on little Aaron's face in the middle is priceless!

We also had Marison (1) and McKinley (3) over quite a bit as their Dad was injured in Afghanistan and their Mom went to DC to stay with him during his recovery. Munkey loves hanging out with these girls. They always come up with creative stuff to do. This time it was tent sliding.

Also, the slide got turned into a water slide this summer with a splash pool at the bottom.

Munkey has taken to helping us in the kitchen. She pulls up her own chair and likes to push all the buttons on the various choppers and processors and whatever else she can get her hands on. She always likes to say very insistently, "I do it".

She loves to brush her own teeth. We give her the toothbrush and let her go to town and she'll stay in there for 10 minutes brushing. This is definitely one of her "I do it" tasks. Then we just have to spot clean when she's done.

Her Nanna has taken and liking to sending her really amazing cards. Munkey has taken a liking to receiving them and opening them with haste. Here was a really cute Halloween one she just got. Thanx Nanna!

On windy days and because all the days here are windy, we still do some tricycling. She is a maniac on the trike, she can go for miles. Dan likes to say he is proud she got his cycling legs.

She helped me take a pic of this jumping spider and she was screaming really loudly at it, "Cheese, Say Cheese!". I think it worked, you can see he tried to smile with his green lips.

Happy Halloween!

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