Sunday, October 2, 2011


Sara has been really busy doing Halloween crafts. She has been making foam sticker cards and putting names on them with glue and glitter. I hope we can get them in the mail next week.

Also we picked out a fish shower curtain to go in her bathroom. She has been learning the various names of the fish. I think it's weird though to see saltwater and freshwater fish swimming together, it seems out of place. It's a cool shower curtain though and she likes to look at the fish while she sitting on the toilet.

She's been saying some really funny things as always. There's a song in her music class that says, "The old gray mare just ain't what she used to be". Sara wanted to know what a mare was so I said it's a girl horse. Then she wanted to know why the horse was old and that was a hard question to answer. I tried to explain it as being tired and sad in the context of the song. So she said maybe the horse just needs a bath to feel better.

Tonight Dan asked Sara if she knew was "Married" meant and Sara said that it means to be an old gray girl horse, a mare. I guess they do sound the same, and it's called getting "hitched" and there's a groom, so she may be on to something.

Also, the tractor was bailing up hay in the field in the front yard and she loves to go out and watch it. She yelled, "Mom, the tractor is pooping, let's go watch it!". So we watched it for maybe an hour. The lady driving the tractor waved at her every time she went by and even honked the tractor's horn. It was huge entertainment for Sara.

Sara tried on this cool Halloween costume at Cracker Barrel today. I wish it was practical for her to wear but I have a feeling she would have a hard time keeping it on. She picked out a pink unicorn costume a few days ago so I guess we'll go with that.

1 comment:

KP&GVS3 said...

The shower curtain is just magical, so I guess any kind of fish can swim on/in it. Her hair looks really beautiful. Hum, words are confusing - mare, married?

What a lucky girl, that she gets to witness life on the farm first hand, and doesn't have to get herself all dirty doing it. Jealous here:):)