Saturday, October 29, 2011

Her Punkin

We decided to get Sara her very own pumpkin this year and let her decorate it. She decided to use paints and then we put a face on it with stuff we found around the house. I think it turned out pretty funny. She was so proud of her self for decorating it.

Sara got to trick-or-treat at Daddy's work for the first time this year. Sadly Brennan and I were too sick to go. Sara came home with a bucket full of candy.

The unicorn costume I got her really does not fit her. It's way too short. We might be getting her an 11th hour costume to trick or treat in Monday.


Go for It ! said...

Oooo, really scary punkin :)

KP&GVS3 said...

Most scary pumpkin ever! Shivers . . . .