Thursday, July 26, 2012

Nanna is here!

Sara has had quite a summer as a 4 year old so far.  It's been very busy and she has grown a lot.

She has taken dance lessons and swimming lessons and we have made it our goal to go to the library at least once a week.

She has made huge progress at swimming.  She can swim without any floats and dive for objects on the bottom. When she first started she would choke on lots of water, but now she puts her head under and holds her breath.  She loves her swim teacher and we just signed her up for fall lessons.

Her dance class is over now but I know she loved it and I hope I can get her in another dance class before long.  I wish I had my camera when she did her "pinwheel" dance, it was amazing.  Dance really captivated her and I can't wait to see if we can get her in another class.

The folks at the Spanish Fork library are so good to Sara.   She loves going and everyone knows her there.  We do story and music time and she loves singing songs like "Sticky Sticky Bubble Gum" and "Finger Families" and "Akin Drum".  They sing tons of songs I've never heard of so I take her just so she'll know them and maybe she can teach them to her kids.   She also is selecting her own books to check out now.  We have really been working with her on reading words this summer too.

Sara goes back to pre-school in September.  This year she'll be in the big kids class on M,W,F for three hours in the afternoon.  It'll be a huge change for her.  I think she will really pick up on a lot of stuff and I'm excited to see what she is able to learn before kindergarten.  Mostly 'll be excited for her if she learns to read to herself because she loves books so much (and maybe we need a break too :)

I think Sara has really struggled with having a little brother.  She has had moments of jealousy and she wishes all his toys were hers.  I'm sure she's feeling like the attention is split more too, it's been a bit of an adjustment for her and for us.  Hopefully we'll all pull through this and it will get better as they both age.

She is our sweet little girl still and we love spending time with her.  She can be so thoughtful and she says the funniest things. 

Sara is thrilled that her Nanna is here for so long this summer!

Nanna got her a great play-doh dentistry set that they had fun playing with.

Sara can be really funny.  She wanted to be a scarecrow in the corn.  She really likes scarecrows.

I accidentally took a close up of her but I actually rather like to see her pretty brown eyes.

She likes pushing Brennan in his new car.

She won this crown at the fair and she has been wearing it non-stop.

I hope someday the kids read these blogs and really get a kick out of everything they were doing and hopefully they will see and know that they are well loved by Mom and Dad and all their family.

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