Friday, March 1, 2013

Snowplow Sara

Sara completed her Snowplow 1 skating class last night.  She had to go through a hour of testing to make sure she had learned all of the skills.  She passed with flying colors, even doing the best in her class all except for her speed, which wasn't part of the test anyway.  She skates slower and more cautiously than the other kids, but she also falls less often, if at all during skating class.  

Her teacher gave her a patch and a certificate. She also has a neat skills book that is comprehensive through advance figure skating.  She gets to mark off the skills she has learned in the book with a gold figure skater sticker.

She was really proud of herself and she asked me today, "Mom, did I win?"  I told her she was a winner because she always tries so hard and she never once has given up or said she can't do something in her life.  What a great kid!

Her certificates and patches :


Go for It ! said...

So proud of you, Sara:)

KP&GVS3 said...

Sara skates exactly how I ski - carefully. It doesn't reduce the fun one bit! Good thing to know.

KP&GVS3 said...

Sara skates exactly how I ski - carefully. It doesn't reduce the fun one bit! Good thing to know.