Saturday, September 28, 2013

First Snow Day

We got a very early snow this year so I decided to take the kids up into the mountains to play in it.  we headed up Nebo to Payson Lakes. 

  Sara wanted to throw snow balls and make snow angels.

She also wanted to shake all the trees to get the glops of snow down.
We had lots of fun hiking around. 

In other news, Sara is on week 2 of her ice skating lessons.  She is already doing really well and her teacher is thinking of bumping her up to the next level.  I'm not sure how much longer I will keep doing ice skating lessons.  We are just playing it be ear.

Her piano lessons are going really well.  I'm really impressed at how fast she is progressing.  Also I've been really impressed that she will practice by herself and actually do a really good job. 

School is going well too, she had her first field trip the other day.  They went to a park and she said they saw a big frog.  She was telling me about sitting on the bus with a boy name Arbor.  I've asked her if she's made any really good friends yet and she has said not really, that she makes new friends every day.  I have notice that a lot of the kids are clickish an don't talk to people they don't know.  I'm hoping there are ones that will include Sara though and as the year goes on they will loosen up.

She is in a book club at school where she brings home a new reader book every day.  She was really proud of herself that she could read an entire book that she brought home.

Sara is also full of tons of questions lately and the questions are getting harder and more complicated to answer but I really believe that kids can learn a ton by having their parent patiently explain things to them.  We've been singing Christmas songs at night and she has asked me what certain words mean such as the verse "Don we now our gay apparel", I told told her it means "Put on your happy clothes" and she liked that.

The other day, we were driving and we saw a person laying in the road with a crowd around them.  Either they were hit or they fell.  The rescue personnel were just arriving and Sara asked me what happens when a car hits you.  I don't believe in pulling any punches and we've already talked about death and she handled it really well.  I told her that sometimes you die if a car hits you and if you're lucky, they can take you to the hospital and put you back together and fix your bones.  She wanted to know about broken bones and was in disbelief that you could break bones and that doctors can fix them.  She didn't understand how they got into your skin to fix it so I explained it.  She was kind of amazed by it.  Then she said what if you hit your head and break it.  I said maybe your brains will fall out.  She said that would be bad and I said, yes if you're brains fall out then you won't know who you are and she said yea, but as long as everyone else still has their brains then they will know who you are.  I thought it was funny.

She has been asking tons of questions about dinosaurs and wants to know if humans used to be dinosaurs or if humans will someday turn back into dinosaurs.  Yesterday she wanted to know which was worse, tornadoes or hurricanes and how they are made.  So I explained all that in detail.  It takes time but I'm glad to do it most of the time.  She is very curious and smart and we want to encourage her and definitely not do anything to discourage her. 

When people ask her what she wants to be, she now says she wants to be a writer.  She has such a great imagination I'm sure that is something she could do.

Lastly, I ordered them a huge purple bean bag.   Sara was so excited for it to arrive and it finally did, it came from Florida.  It actually ended up being foam and not beans, which I'm not sure how I feel about but whatever.  They really like it and it's large.

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