Thursday, September 5, 2013

Odds and Ends

Sara has been going to Kindergarten a week now.  I think it was mostly a let down for her and for us.  Dan said wouldn't it be ironic if we move right next to her school and then end up sending her somewhere else, yes it would.  We aren't there yet but I won't rule it out either.

Sara had such an amazing pre-school experience that I think it set us up for a little disappointment probably.  She also says she does not like going every day.  We told her that she better just get used to that, that Mommy and Daddy had to go to school every day and so does every other kid.  It is kind of sad in a way that she's growing up and facing the real world, but I also believe that home schooling and basically hiding in your house away from the world is not the answer either.

We will be monitoring her school very closely and adjusting as necessary.  So far we've been doing lots of extra curricular stuff at home.  She's been diligently practicing forming her letters more precisely.

We practice something school related, read for 20 minutes and practice sight words, and play piano every day with her.

Here is her latest piano song that she had to learn.   She has been doing all of her practicing, even Daddy is helping now and coming to her lessons.  We are very proud of her.

Also in other news last week, we had her hearing tested to make sure she was OK.  She had to enter a sound proof booth and answer lots of questions.  Here is a pic of her with the audiologist.   He was giving her the results of her test, perfect hearing!

 This is an odds and ends post, which basically means a I dumped a bunch of photos off my iphone and I'm too tired to string them together in any coherent way, so it's totally random.

Here is a  photo of her sleeping in a random place.  She has been a lot more tired since she started school.  She fell asleep in her closet on top of her toy box.  I will have to make sure she gets naps on the weekends.

One day last week when Sara got home from school, I whipped up some fresh whipped cream from scratch and added cherries on top.  The kids thought it was the best thing they had ever eaten.

Last random post, the splash pad, we are thankful for splash pads, our summer would not have been the same without them.  We've gone so many times this summer, the kids love it and to think 10 years ago, there weren't any splash pads, they showed up just in time for these kids.  Today Daddy was working from home so we went to a park and played in a real river in the morning and then for the afternoon we went to the splash pad and played.  We have learned that if we go after 6 pm that we have the place totally to ourselves.  Brennan excitedly says "splash pad" now, it's cute.

Looking ahead, Sara starts ice skating lessons again this month and in October she starts back swimming.  She said she wants to do all this but I think she's going to be very tired.  If it does not work out, we'll drop of out ice skating and just do piano and swimming and see how that works.   At least ice skating is only one day a week for 6 weeks.

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